South Korea ordered trainee doctors back to work on Monday after they resigned to protest medical training reforms, with the government looking at using military medics..
Jordan, UAE Send 180 Doctors, Nurses Assistance to Gaza Strip
sekitar 1 tahun lalu
Jordan and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are setting up the first field hospitals in the southern Gaza Strip to help wounded and sick Palestinians.
Surgeons Successfully Perform World's First Eye Transplant
sekitar 1 tahun lalu
In New York, surgeons successfully performed the world's first transplant of an entire human eye, an extraordinary addition to a face transplant.
Ministry Facilitates Job Placement for Foreign Graduate Doctors
sekitar 1 tahun lalu
The Health Ministry has facilitated job placement for 16 Indonesian specialist doctors graduating from abroad to serve in various regions in the country until mid-2023.
Some Junior Doctors in England Start Four-day Strike Over Paid Less
sekitar 1 tahun lalu
Some junior doctors at a United Kingdom (UK) hospital have gone on strike for four day because they feel they are underpaid. The strike took place on Wednesday.
The Story of Man Survive to Live Without Heart
sekitar 1 tahun lalu
Craig Lewis became the first man to live without a heart. The man from the United States can survive for about a month without a heart.
Doctors, Health Workers Have Big Role in Human Resource Development
sekitar 1 tahun lalu
Doctors and health workers play big and significant role to support human resource development programs in Indonesia, said the Minister Muhadjir Effendy.
Health Bill Seeks to Increase the Number of Specialist Doctors
sekitar 1 tahun lalu
The Health Ministry stated that the Health Bill will help Indonesia to increase the number of medical and health personnel, such as specialist doctors.
The Draft Health Bill Proposes Easier for Doctor Practice License
sekitar 1 tahun lalu
The draft Health Bill contains proposals to make it easier for doctors to obtain a license to practice, according to Indonesian Deputy Minister of Health.
Health Ministry to Add 5,000 Specialist Doctors Through Scholarship
sekitar 1 tahun lalu
The Indonesian Health Ministry plans to add 5,000 specialist doctors through government and private scholarship programs in 2023 and 2024.
Indonesia Needs More Specialist Doctors, President Jokowi Conveys
sekitar 1 tahun lalu
President Joko Widodo said that Indonesia still have problems, one is about there are not enough specialist doctors.
Health Ministry Evaluates the Living Cost for Intern Doctors
lewat 2 tahun lalu
After receiving input from various parties, the Ministry of Health made adjustments to the amount of Living Cost Assistance (BBH) for internship doctors in Indonesia.
Desy Ratnasari Akhirnya Buka Suara Soal Isu Ruben Onsu Mualaf: Jika Saya Menjadi Wasilah Dia…
7 Feb 2025
Desy memilih tak terlalu menanggapi kabar yang beredar mengenai Ruben Onsu saat ini. Ia merasa bukan ranahnya membicarakan privasi orang lain, apalagi menyangkut agama.
Pengamat sepak bola, Coach Justin, memberikan prediksi mengenai susunan pemain Timnas Indonesia dengan formasi 4-3-3.
Media Vietnam Heran dengan 23 Pemain Pilihan Indra Sjafri yang Lolos ke Timnas Indonesia U-20
7 Feb 2025
Media Vietnam heran dengan daftar 23 pemain pilihan Indra Sjafri yang berhasil menembus skuad Timnas Indonesia U-20. Simak alasan di balik kejutannya!
Terpopuler: Komentar Alex Pastoor Lihat Liga 1, Suporter Kecewa Juventus Batal Gaet Jay Idzes
7 Feb 2025
Berita mengenai asisten pelatih Timnas Indonesia Alex Pastoor yang memberikan komentar usai menyaksikan laga Liga 1 menjadi buruan pembaca VIVA Bola
Kejadian memalukan kembali terjadi di sepakbola Indonesia. Terjadi sepak gulat dalam pertandingan Liga 2 yang mempertemukan PSPS Pekanbaru dan Deltras Sidoarjo.
Tema time travel dalam drama Korea sering kali menggabungkan elemen fiksi ilmiah dengan romansa, di mana para karakter utama memiliki kemampuan untuk menjelajahi masa lal
Sinusitis yang sering kambuh bisa sangat mengganggu aktivitas sehari-hari. Hidung tersumbat, nyeri di wajah, dan sakit kepala adalah beberapa gejala yang membuat penderit
Gula putih telah menjadi elemen yang tak terpisahkan dari kehidupan sehari-hari kita, hadir dalam beragam makanan dan minuman yang dikonsumsi. Sebagai salah satu sumber u
Yuk coba resep tahu pong crispy ala Dapur Umi yang super gampang dan hasilnya renyah banget! Resep ini hanya membutuhkan dua bahan saja yang bisa didapatkan dari sekitar
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