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Berita Terbaru Depression

Commuting to Work More than One Hour May Increase Depression Risk

Commuting to Work More than One Hour May Increase Depression Risk


sekitar 1 tahun lalu
A study published in the Journal of Transport & Health shows how some of the effects of commuting to work more than one hour can lead to depression. Longer daily commutes
Strawberry Consumption Can Prevent from Depression

Strawberry Consumption Can Prevent from Depression


sekitar 1 tahun lalu
A study from the University of Cincinnati, United States revealed that consuming one cup of strawberries every day can prevent from depression.
5 Signs You're a People Pleaser

5 Signs You're a People Pleaser


sekitar 1 tahun lalu
A people pleaser is someone whose instinctual response to prioritize the happiness and comfort of others above their own needs. They tend to show their own well-being.
Knowing More Male Menopause: 6 Signs of It

Knowing More Male Menopause: 6 Signs of It


sekitar 1 tahun lalu
Male menopause means an age-related reduction of testosterone in cisgender males. Signs include fatigue, insomnia, mood changes, and more. It can also affect fertility...
Unveiling Bad Effects of Pornography and Porn Addiction

Unveiling Bad Effects of Pornography and Porn Addiction


sekitar 1 tahun lalu
Pornography and porn addiction have emerged as a concerning issue, with various studies shedding light on its detrimental effects on mental health and relationship.
List of Countries with the Highest Rate of Depression

List of Countries with the Highest Rate of Depression


sekitar 1 tahun lalu
The World Health Organization (WHO) tracks depression rates from around the world. Well, there are some countries with the highest rates of depression.
Eating Fried Foods May Cause Risk of Anxiety and Depression

Eating Fried Foods May Cause Risk of Anxiety and Depression


sekitar 1 tahun lalu
Anew study conducted at tje St. Louis School of Medicine at Washington University has linked a diet high in the consumptipn of fried food with increased risk of anxiety..
People with Depression at Greatest Risk of Stroke, Study Reveals

People with Depression at Greatest Risk of Stroke, Study Reveals


sekitar 1 tahun lalu
Depression is a mental health condition that characterized by persistent feelings of sadness. But, study has found that depression has the greatest risk of a stroke.
Several Foods that May Cause Depression Worse, Study Claims

Several Foods that May Cause Depression Worse, Study Claims


sekitar 1 tahun lalu
Some people when they having depression will eat comfort foods to ease their minds, but there are actually some foods that should be avoided when feeling depressed.
Playing Dating App More Often Can Cause Depression, Study Reveals

Playing Dating App More Often Can Cause Depression, Study Reveals


lewat 2 tahun lalu
 Playing dating apps become popular today. But study reveals people who playing dating apps more often can be depression.
Blue Monday, the Saddest and Most Stressful Day in a Year

Blue Monday, the Saddest and Most Stressful Day in a Year


lewat 2 tahun lalu
Blue Monday is a term for the most annoying Monday of the year. As reported by National Today, Blue Monday is also associated with the saddest day of the year.
Selain Bipolar, Medina Zein juga Alami Depresi Pascamelahirkan

Selain Bipolar, Medina Zein juga Alami Depresi Pascamelahirkan


lewat 5 tahun lalu
Kondisi Medina Zein ini diungkap oleh Sarah Azhari.
Terpopuler: Ketum PSSI Erick Thohir Mundur, Shin Tae-yong Akhirnya Respons Pengkritik

Terpopuler: Ketum PSSI Erick Thohir Mundur, Shin Tae-yong Akhirnya Respons Pengkritik


2 Feb 2025
Salah satu video di TikTok menjadi sorotan usai menarasikan bahwa Erick Thohir mundur dari jabatannya sebagai Ketua Umum PSSI.
Terpopuler: Wajah Wanita Diduga Selingkuhan Suami Agnes Jennifer Terungkap, Ari Lasso Mendadak Dioperasi

Terpopuler: Wajah Wanita Diduga Selingkuhan Suami Agnes Jennifer Terungkap, Ari Lasso Mendadak Dioperasi


2 Feb 2025
Seleb TikTok Agnes Jennifer membongkar dugaan perselingkuhan suaminya, David Clement. Wajah orang ketiga itu pun terungkap dan viral di media sosial.
Kisah Warga Lampung Ditolong Mayor Teddy saat Keluarganya Kejang-kejang Ketika Berada di Tol

Kisah Warga Lampung Ditolong Mayor Teddy saat Keluarganya Kejang-kejang Ketika Berada di Tol


2 Feb 2025
Warga Bandarlampung mengungkapkan keluarganya tak sengaja dapat pertolongan sebuah rangkaian mobil pejabat yang melintas di tol Pancoran, yang ternyata mobil dinas seskab
Jay Idzes Jadi Kapten, Terjadi Drama 5 Gol Udinese Vs Venezia

Jay Idzes Jadi Kapten, Terjadi Drama 5 Gol Udinese Vs Venezia

Liga Italia

2 Feb 2025
Pemain Timnas Indonesia, Jay Idzes bermain penuh sebagai kapten Venezia yang kalah 2-3 dalam laga tandang melawan Udinese di Stadion Bluenergy,
Semua Pejabat Imigrasi Soekarno-Hatta Dicopot Buntut Kasus Pemerasan WNA China

Semua Pejabat Imigrasi Soekarno-Hatta Dicopot Buntut Kasus Pemerasan WNA China


2 Feb 2025
Kedubes China melaporkan 44 kasus pemerasan terhadap WNA China oleh petugas Imigrasi di Bandara Soekarno-Hatta

Resep Martabak Teflon Anti Gagal, Modal Murah


17 menit lalu
Resep martabak teflon bersarang ala Chef Devina menghadirkan tekstur kenyal dan berongga dengan rasa yang lezat. Kunci keberhasilan terletak pada pengadukan yang tepat.

3 Game Nintendo Terbaik di Awal 2025 yang Wajib Dicoba


19 menit lalu
Nintendo kembali menghadirkan sederet game menarik untuk menemani para gamer di awal tahun 2025.

Jalan Kaki Ternyata Dapat Mengurangi Cemas Dan Stres Berlebihan


22 menit lalu
Olahraga grapari dijadikan salah satu sebuah aktivitas yang diambil manfaatnya karena dalam olahraga ini banyak sekali manfaat yang akan didapatkannya terutama

LUMAJANG: Buruh Batu di Lokasi Wisata Pantai Selatan, Bertaruh Nyali di Tengah Ombak, Demi Rupiah


32 menit lalu
Langit mendung menggantung di atas Pantai Bambang, Desa Bagu, Kecamatan Pasirian, Kabupaten Lumajang, Jawa Timur. Profesi sebagai pencari batu, bukanlah pekerjaan mudah.
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