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Meet Masoud Pezeshkian, Elected as Iran's New President

Meet Masoud Pezeshkian, Elected as Iran's New President


9 bulan lalu
Reformist candidate Masoud Pezeshkian has called for “cooperation, empathy and trust” after being declared the winner of Iran’s runoff presidential election on Saturday..
Over 100 Killed at Religious Event in India

Over 100 Killed at Religious Event in India


9 bulan lalu
A crowd crush at a religious gathering in northern India killed more than a hundred people on Tuesday, mostly women and children, in one of the deadliest such incidents t
South Korea to Create New Ministry to Handle Low Birth Rate

South Korea to Create New Ministry to Handle Low Birth Rate


9 bulan lalu
South Korea will create a deputy prime minister-level ministry tasked with tackling the low birthrate and aging population as the country faces a demographic crisis, the
Iran Opens Registration for Presidential Candidate to Replace Late Raisi

Iran Opens Registration for Presidential Candidate to Replace Late Raisi


10 bulan lalu
Iran has opened the registration period for candidates wanting to run for the country's presidency ahead of a snap vote at the end of June.
5 Best Countries to Live in for Old People

5 Best Countries to Live in for Old People


10 bulan lalu
Old age is a phase of life that many people look forward to. So, here are 5 best countries to live for old people.
Slovakia Receives 1100 Bomb Threats in a Day

Slovakia Receives 1100 Bomb Threats in a Day


11 bulan lalu
Schools and institutions in Slovakia including banks received over 1,100 bomb threats on Tuesday, prompting evacuations across the country.
No Place to Pray for Muslim Workers in This Italian City

No Place to Pray for Muslim Workers in This Italian City


11 bulan lalu
Hundreds of Muslim men performed Friday prayers in the northeastern Italian town of Monfalcone. They knelt in a concrete parking lot with their heads bowed to the ground.
Florida School Removes 300 Books Containing LGBTQ

Florida School Removes 300 Books Containing LGBTQ


11 bulan lalu
School districts in Florida removed about 300 books from library shelves on a list of "removed or discontinued materials" released by the state's education department at
Indonesia Becomes the World's Most Positive Country

Indonesia Becomes the World's Most Positive Country


12 bulan lalu
According to the 2023 Gallup Global Emotions survey, Indonesia is considered the most positive country in the world.
Indonesia Ranks 80th for the Happiest Country

Indonesia Ranks 80th for the Happiest Country


sekitar 1 tahun lalu
In the 2024 World's Happiest (and unhappiest) Countries report, Indonesia ranks 80th with a score of 5.56, trailing behind Venezuela.
Jokowi Gives Urgent Warning for Indonesia's Next Government

Jokowi Gives Urgent Warning for Indonesia's Next Government


sekitar 1 tahun lalu
The Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) warned the next government after his leadership to be careful in managing the country.
French President Signs Controversial Immigration Law

French President Signs Controversial Immigration Law


sekitar 1 tahun lalu
French President Emmanuel Macron, during his visit to New Delhi earlier this week, signed the controversial law on immigration that tightens naturalisation and deportatio
50 Tahun Beroperasi, Kapal Induk Nuklir USS Nimitz Jalani Tugas Akhir Jelang Pensiun

50 Tahun Beroperasi, Kapal Induk Nuklir USS Nimitz Jalani Tugas Akhir Jelang Pensiun

Militer Internasional

24 Mar 2025
Bahan bakar nuklir kapal induk ini akan dilucuti.
OPM Bakar Hidup-Hidup 6 Guru dan Nakes di Yahukimo, Natalius Pigai Bilang Begini

OPM Bakar Hidup-Hidup 6 Guru dan Nakes di Yahukimo, Natalius Pigai Bilang Begini


24 Mar 2025
Enam guru hingga tenaga kesehatan jadi korban pembakaran secara hidup-hidup kelompok kriminal bersenjata OPM di Yahukimo, Papua.
Rusia Menentang Keras, Pasukan China Siap Terjun ke Ukraina

Rusia Menentang Keras, Pasukan China Siap Terjun ke Ukraina

Militer Internasional

24 Mar 2025
Padahal sebelumnya China tidak menunjukkan sikap apa-apa.
Satuan Elite Rusia Lenyap Dibombardir Serangan Udara Ukraina

Satuan Elite Rusia Lenyap Dibombardir Serangan Udara Ukraina

Militer Internasional

24 Mar 2025
Pasukan elite Rusia disembunyikan di Toretsk.
Harga Emas Hari Ini 24 Maret 2025: Global dan Antam Kompak Berkilau

Harga Emas Hari Ini 24 Maret 2025: Global dan Antam Kompak Berkilau


24 Mar 2025
Harga emas internasional naik tipis pada perdagangan Senin, 24 Maret 2025. Sementara itu, emas Antam juga tercatat naik mendekati rekor tertinggi.
Selasa, 25 Maret 2025

Setiap amal yang tidak didasari oleh perintah kami, maka ia tertolak."

HR. Muslim
Kunjungi microsite Ramadhan untuk info & inspirasi ibadah Anda

Penuhi Panggilan Pemeriksaan, Ibu Korban: Penyidik PPA Polres Takalar Minta Saksi yang Melihat Anak Saya Dipukul


beberapa detik lalu
Sekitar pukul 14.40 WITA Senin (24/3/25) sore tadi, Yahya datang ke Polres Takalar didampingi oleh pamannya dan kedua orang tuanya. Mereka menuju ke ruang Unit II PPA Sat

BI Siapkan Layanan Penukaran Uang Bagi Warga Pulau


beberapa detik lalu
Bank Indonesia Kantor Perwakilan Wilayah Sulawesi Selatan memfasilitasi layanan penukaran uang baru kepada masyarakat yang ada di Kota Makassar. Khususnya bagi warga yang

Kolaborasi Dinilai Penting untuk Siapkan Generasi Sehat


17 menit lalu
Kolaborasi antara pemerintah dengan berbagai pihak dinilai penting untuk mewujudkan generasi sehat 2045 lewat program Makan Bergizi Gratis untuk anal-anak dan ibu hamil.

Pelatih Timnas Bahrain Ungkap Kondisi Pemain Dalam Keadaan Prima Jelang Lawan Timnas Indonesia Besok


19 menit lalu
Timnas Indonesia selaku tuan rumah akan menjamu Timnas Bahrain di pertandingan matchday kedelapan grup C Kualifikasi Piala Dunia 2026 Zona Asia, pada hari Selasa (25/03).
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