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Untuk Wilayah DKI Jakarta & Sekitarnya
Hanwha Life Introduces Mobile Mental Health Support

Hanwha Life Introduces Mobile Mental Health Support


2 bulan lalu
The initiative aims to build a psychological and emotional safety net for women and children, especially in underserved areas, by providing mobile support services.
Indonesia Declares Emergency on Violence Against Women, Children

Indonesia Declares Emergency on Violence Against Women, Children


3 bulan lalu
The Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA), Arifah Fauzi, stated that Indonesia is currently in a state of emergency regarding sexual violence agains
Shared Spaces and Helplines: Indonesia's Initiatives for Women and Children

Shared Spaces and Helplines: Indonesia's Initiatives for Women and Children


3 bulan lalu
These initiatives aim to empower women and protect children as part of Indonesia’s vision for Golden Indonesia 2045.
UN Reports Malnutrion Cases in Gaza Increase up to 300 percent

UN Reports Malnutrion Cases in Gaza Increase up to 300 percent


8 bulan lalu
The United Nations (UN) has reported a more than 300 percent increase in malnutrition levels among children in northern Gaza as the humanitarian crisis.
Jokowi Calls for Knowledge and Children Character Developments

Jokowi Calls for Knowledge and Children Character Developments


8 bulan lalu
Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) emphasized the importance of knowledge, insight, and character for children to face the future.
Manpower Ministry Released Roadmap Towards Children Labour-free Phase Two

Manpower Ministry Released Roadmap Towards Children Labour-free Phase Two


8 bulan lalu
Manpower Ministry has called on parents, central government, local governments, businesses, and labor unions to collaborate and innovate in order to eliminate children.
3 Million Children Face Death in Central Africa Humanitarian Crisis

3 Million Children Face Death in Central Africa Humanitarian Crisis


9 bulan lalu
 UNICEF on Tuesday (July 2) said that 3 million children face the "highest registered level of overlapping and interconnected crises' in the Central African Republic (CAR
Jokowi Sets a Target to Reduce Stunting from 37 Percent to 14 Percent

Jokowi Sets a Target to Reduce Stunting from 37 Percent to 14 Percent


10 bulan lalu
Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) affirmed that the government has set a target to reduce Stunting prevalence from 37 percent to 14 percent this year.
Too Many Children Killed in Conflict, UN Adds Israel to Blacklist

Too Many Children Killed in Conflict, UN Adds Israel to Blacklist


10 bulan lalu
 The United Nations (UN) added Israel to its so-called “blacklist” of countries that have committed abuses against children in armed conflict.
Global Action Needed to Protect Children from Lethal Explosive Weapons

Global Action Needed to Protect Children from Lethal Explosive Weapons


11 bulan lalu
UNICEF Deputy Executive Director Ted Chaiban emphasized the huge impact on children, saying children can feel the pain in all aspects of their lives.
Florida School Removes 300 Books Containing LGBTQ

Florida School Removes 300 Books Containing LGBTQ


12 bulan lalu
School districts in Florida removed about 300 books from library shelves on a list of "removed or discontinued materials" released by the state's education department at
159.557 Muslim Prisoners Receive Special Remission on Eid al-Fitr

159.557 Muslim Prisoners Receive Special Remission on Eid al-Fitr


12 bulan lalu
A total of 159,557 Muslim prisoners nationwide have been granted remissions and sentence reductions to commemorate the 2024 Eid al-Fitr.
Lisa Mariana Akui Salah Punya Hubungan Gelap dengan Ridwan Kamil: Tapi Saya Nggak Pernah Hubungi Duluan

Lisa Mariana Akui Salah Punya Hubungan Gelap dengan Ridwan Kamil: Tapi Saya Nggak Pernah Hubungi Duluan


29 Mar 2025
Lisa Mariana mengakui kesalahannya menjalin hubungan gelap dengan Ridwan Kamil, tetapi menegaskan bahwa ia tidak pernah menghubungi Ridwan Kamil lebih dulu.
Terungkap Alasan Ridwan Kamil Ingin Bantu Biaya Kuliah Lisa Mariana

Terungkap Alasan Ridwan Kamil Ingin Bantu Biaya Kuliah Lisa Mariana


29 Mar 2025
Lisa Mariana mengaku punya anak dari Ridwan Kamil. Kuasa hukum akhirnya mengungkap alasan mengapa RK pernah membantu biaya kuliah Lisa di tengah kontroversi
Terpopuler: Hard Gumay Sudah Ramal Perselingkuhan Ridwan Kamil, Lisa Mariana Dapat Ancaman

Terpopuler: Hard Gumay Sudah Ramal Perselingkuhan Ridwan Kamil, Lisa Mariana Dapat Ancaman


29 Mar 2025
Lisa Mariana terus menjadi sorotan pengguna media sosial usai membongkar dugaan perselingkuhan dirinya dengan mantan Gubernur Jawa Barat, Ridwan Kamil.
Link DANA Kaget Hari Ini Sabtu 29 Maret 2025, Rezeki Nomplok Sebelum Lebaran!

Link DANA Kaget Hari Ini Sabtu 29 Maret 2025, Rezeki Nomplok Sebelum Lebaran!


29 Mar 2025
Menjelang Lebaran, siapa yang tidak ingin dapat tambahan saldo gratis? Bagi pengguna aplikasi DANA, hari ini Sabtu 29 Maret 2025, kamu berkesempatan dapat DANA Kaget!
38 Perwira Tinggi Polri Naik Pangkat, Ada 4 Kapolda dan 2 Wakapolda

38 Perwira Tinggi Polri Naik Pangkat, Ada 4 Kapolda dan 2 Wakapolda


29 Mar 2025
Upacara kenaikan pangkat akan digelar pada Minggu, 30 Maret 2025.
Sabtu, 29 Maret 2025

Kebaikan itu adalah sesuatu yang membuat hati tenang."

HR. Ahmad
Kunjungi microsite Ramadhan untuk info & inspirasi ibadah Anda

Peringkat 10 Game Sport Terbaik 2025, FIFA 25, NBA 2K25, & MotoGP 25! Mana Paling Bagus?


7 menit lalu
Simak informasi lengkap seputar Peringkat 10 Game Sport Terbaik 2025, FIFA 25, NBA 2K25, & MotoGP 25! Mana Paling Bagus? cek selengkapnya pada artikel ini

Makna di Balik Selebrasi Ole Romeny Ternyata Berbeda di Timnas Indonesia dan Klub


8 menit lalu
Penyerang keturunan Indonesia, Ole Romeny, mencuri perhatian publik sepak bola Tanah Air, bukan hanya karena performanya, tetapi juga selebrasi khasnya. Menariknya, ia me

Astaga, Sepasang Pemudik Suami Istri 'Nyemplung' ke Laut Saat Ingin Naik Kapal di Pelabuhan Merak


8 menit lalu
Sekitar pukul 00.25 WIB, terjadi insiden di Dermaga 1 Pelabuhan Merak. Dua penumpang pejalan kaki terjatuh ke laut saat proses muat melalui garbarata menuju KMP Eirene

Redmi A5 Rilis di Indonesia, Cuma 1 Jutaan! Ini Spek dan Keunggulannya


10 menit lalu
Redmi A5 resmi hadir di Indonesia! HP 1 jutaan ini punya layar 120Hz, baterai 5.200mAh, dan spek menarik. Simak harga dan spesifikasinya di sini.
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