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Berita Terbaru Bacteria

Leptospirosis Outbreak Hits Philippines, Death Cases Reach 84

Leptospirosis Outbreak Hits Philippines, Death Cases Reach 84


7 bulan lalu
The Department of Health in Philippines has reported on Thursday that the number of leptospirosis cases has increased, with 878 cases and 84 deaths recorded as of June 15
Jakarta Health Service to Release Wolbachia Moquitoes

Jakarta Health Service to Release Wolbachia Moquitoes


8 bulan lalu
The Jakarta Health Service is still in the preparation phase to release the Wolbachia mosquitoes to control the Dengue cases in West Jakarta with no exact date for the re
These Adorable Animals Can Transmit Infections to Human

These Adorable Animals Can Transmit Infections to Human


sekitar 1 tahun lalu
3 Adorable Animals Can Transmit Infections to PeopleAdorable animals have a lot of charm, from playful puppies and cuddly kittens to majestic elephants and colorful birds
Mitsubishi XForce Offers Advanced Feature: Can Kill Virus, Bacteria

Mitsubishi XForce Offers Advanced Feature: Can Kill Virus, Bacteria


sekitar 1 tahun lalu
The car buyer is not only concerned about the design, but also the advanced features that can make the driver comfortable. This is certainly offered by Mitsubishi XForce.
Is Wolbachia Mosquito Dangerous for Humans?

Is Wolbachia Mosquito Dangerous for Humans?


sekitar 1 tahun lalu
There's a type of mosquito that has been the subject of recent research, namely mosquito contains Wolbachia bacteria. But is it dangerous to humans?
Does Wearing Earphones for Only One Hour Increase Bacteria?

Does Wearing Earphones for Only One Hour Increase Bacteria?


sekitar 1 tahun lalu
Using earphones has become a significant trend in recent days. Wearing earphones is not bad but wearing it for more than 30 minutes is bad for ears. But what's the fact??
Rare Species' Poo Virus Shows Promise for Helping Diabetes Patients

Rare Species' Poo Virus Shows Promise for Helping Diabetes Patients


sekitar 1 tahun lalu
Viruses discovered in the poo of rare animals can help diabetes patients from limb amputations and save the £1 billion a year, researchers have suggested.
Leaving Your Toothbrush in the Bathroom is Actually Unhealthy

Leaving Your Toothbrush in the Bathroom is Actually Unhealthy


sekitar 1 tahun lalu
People usually leave their toothbrush in the bathroom, but it's actually unhealthy and unhygienic, according to dental health experts.
The Mystery of Sheep Recorded Walking in Circles for 12 Days

The Mystery of Sheep Recorded Walking in Circles for 12 Days


sekitar 1 tahun lalu
Dozens of sheep have been walking in circles for 12 consecutive days in northern China's Inner Mongolia region.
United States Approves First Pill Contains Human Poop

United States Approves First Pill Contains Human Poop


sekitar 1 tahun lalu
The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the first pill manufactured from human poop. The agency announced on Wednesday.
Invisible Life Hiding on Smartphone Screens, Study Reveals

Invisible Life Hiding on Smartphone Screens, Study Reveals


sekitar 1 tahun lalu
Bacteria from both humans and cockroaches are among the secret germs hiding on smartphone, the experts warn.
Health Ministry Reveals Hundreds of People Affected by Leptospirosis

Health Ministry Reveals Hundreds of People Affected by Leptospirosis


sekitar 1 tahun lalu
Leptospirosis is a disease caused by urine or blood of infected animals such as rats, cows, dogs, and pigs. Ministry of Health urges people to be aware.
Semua Pejabat Imigrasi Soekarno-Hatta Dicopot Buntut Kasus Pemerasan WNA China

Semua Pejabat Imigrasi Soekarno-Hatta Dicopot Buntut Kasus Pemerasan WNA China


2 Feb 2025
Kedubes China melaporkan 44 kasus pemerasan terhadap WNA China oleh petugas Imigrasi di Bandara Soekarno-Hatta
Jay Idzes Jadi Kapten, Terjadi Drama 5 Gol Udinese Vs Venezia

Jay Idzes Jadi Kapten, Terjadi Drama 5 Gol Udinese Vs Venezia

Liga Italia

2 Feb 2025
Pemain Timnas Indonesia, Jay Idzes bermain penuh sebagai kapten Venezia yang kalah 2-3 dalam laga tandang melawan Udinese di Stadion Bluenergy,
Terpopuler: Ketum PSSI Erick Thohir Mundur, Shin Tae-yong Akhirnya Respons Pengkritik

Terpopuler: Ketum PSSI Erick Thohir Mundur, Shin Tae-yong Akhirnya Respons Pengkritik


2 Feb 2025
Salah satu video di TikTok menjadi sorotan usai menarasikan bahwa Erick Thohir mundur dari jabatannya sebagai Ketua Umum PSSI.
Dulu Penyanyi Populer, Penampilan Justin Bieber Kini Memprihatinkan

Dulu Penyanyi Populer, Penampilan Justin Bieber Kini Memprihatinkan


2 Feb 2025
Justin Bieber tampak kurus kering dengan celana hitam longgar dan jaket dengan kemeja bergaris hitam-putih. Matanya tampak cekung dan penampilannya acak-acakan
2 Oknum Polisi Diduga Peras Pasangan Remaja di Semarang, Dikepung Warga hingga Ancam Tembak

2 Oknum Polisi Diduga Peras Pasangan Remaja di Semarang, Dikepung Warga hingga Ancam Tembak


2 Feb 2025
Dua remaja yang merupakan pasangan kekasih itu mengaku diperas oleh dua oknum polisi berinisial Aiptu K dan Aipda RL

Atasi Asam Urat dengan Kurma: Resep Sehat dan Alami ala dr. Zaidul Akbar


6 menit lalu
dr Zaidul Akbar membagikan beberapa resep herbal alami yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan tubuh.Salah satu resep kali ini adalah seduhan kurma yang diambil langsung dari aku

Waspada! Modus Penipuan Undangan Digital Ancam Pengguna Android, Begini Cara Menghindarinya!


8 menit lalu
Penipuan modus undangan digital semakin marak dan mengancam pengguna Android. Pelaku menyebarkan malware Tria Stealer untuk mencuri data dan membajak

Update Harga Sembako di Jatim 2 Februari 2025: Telur Ayam Rp25.759 per Kg


8 menit lalu
Ppdate harga sembako di Jawa Timur pada 2 Februari 2025. Telur ayam kampung dan cabai merah mengalami kenaikan. Meski demikian harga pangan di Jatim masih stabil.

Bikin Lontong Pakai Rice Cooker? Coba Cara Super Praktis Ini, Hasilnya Dijamin Sempurna!


8 menit lalu
Bikin lontong tanpa ribet! Cukup pakai rice cooker, hasilnya tetap kenyal dan lembut. Praktis, hemat waktu, cocok buat hidangan apa saja, dari opor hingga sate lezat!
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