Police Record 152,000 Accidents in Indonesia throughout 2023
sekitar 1 tahun lalu
Head of the Indonesian Traffic Corps Inspector General of Police Aan Suhanan, revealed that the national accident rate is very high and has resulted in casualties of more
5 Killed in Deadly Accident of Bus vs Truck in Gresik
sekitar 1 tahun lalu
A total of 5 people were killed in a deadly accident between a tour bus and a truck on the Pantura Highway in Bungah Subdistrict, Gresik Regency, East Java. Dozens of oth
14 Injured Over Multi-vehicle Crash in Puncak Bogor
sekitar 1 tahun lalu
A total of 14 people were injured in a multi-vehicle accident on the Puncak Strip, Cisarua District, Bogor Regency, West Java, on Tuesday. Angga Nugraha, Head of the Bog
3 Killed in Bandung Trains Collide
sekitar 1 tahun lalu
The train accident between the long-distance train Turangga and the local train Baraya in Cicalengka has reportedly caused three people to leave the world. Head of Public
Indonesian Transportation Safety Still Needs Attention, MTI Says
sekitar 1 tahun lalu
The Indonesian Transportation Society (MTI) revealed that transportation safety still needs more attention from the government. Tory Damantoro, Chairman of MTI, said that
The Year-end Holiday Accidents Declines 39 Percent This Year
sekitar 1 tahun lalu
The Indonesian Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi sttaed that the number of accidents during Christmas and New Year (Nataru) holidays in 2023 declined by 39 percen
MH Thamrin Cileungsi Hospital Holds a Simulation of Handling Work Accident Victims
sekitar 1 tahun lalu
MH Thamrin Cileungsi Hospital (Member of Radjak Hospital) in collaboration with PT Universal Agri Bisnisindo (De Heus) held a simulation of handling work accident victims
Radjak Hospital Purwakarta Gears Up for Christmas and New Year Holiday Rush
sekitar 1 tahun lalu
Radjak Hospital Purwakarta is ready to handle accident cases during the 2023 Christmas and New Year holidays. This was conveyed by dr. Muhammad Rainda Farhan, a neurosurg
American Ice Hockey Player Adam Johnson Dies Tragically in Game
sekitar 1 tahun lalu
A horrific incident happened when a former NHL player Adam Johnson died during his English team's game after his throat was accidentally cut by a skate blade while he was
Dozens of People Injured by Two Trains Collision in Kulon Progo
sekitar 1 tahun lalu
QUE The total of people injured in the Argo Semeru and Argo Wilis train accident at kilometer 520+4 of Jalan Raya Sentolo, Wates, Kulon Progo, on Tuesday, reached dozens.
Radjak Hospital Purwakarta Become Primary focus in Preparing Treatment of Accident Victims
sekitar 1 tahun lalu
That's why Radjak Hospital Purwakarta has become a primary focus in preparing for the treatment of accident victims. Located near major toll roads, the hospital collabora
Radjak Hospital Purwakarta Shares Knowledge about the Importance of Initial Steps in Accident
sekitar 1 tahun lalu
Accidents are events that can change lives in the blink of an eye. In emergencies like these, the initial steps in accident victim care can make a significant difference
Real Madrid melaju ke perempat final Liga Champions setelah menang adu penalti 4-2 lawan Atletico Madrid, Kamis 13 Maret 2024 pagi WIB. Atletico unggul 1-0 di waktu norma
Siap-siap Menyambut Datangnya Bulan Berdarah
13 Mar 2025
Peristiwa alam ini akan membuat Bulan tampak bermandikan darah, sehingga sering disebut sebagai ‘Blood Moon’ atau Bulan Berdarah.
Respons Diego Simeone soal Penalti Kontroversial Alvarez saat Atletico Ditendang Real Madrid
Bola Sejagat
13 Mar 2025
Diego Simeone buka suara soal kontroversi tendangan penalti Julian Alvarez saat Atletico Madrid tersingkir dari Liga Champions oleh Real Madrid setelah adu penalti yang d
Pihak keluarga mendiang Kim Sae Ron mengungkap kepada Garo Sero Institute bahwa sang artis sempat menjalin asmara dengan Kim Soo Hyun saat berusia 15 tahun.
Klaim Saldo DANA Gratis Rp220 Ribu Hari Ini Kamis 13 Maret 2025, Siapa Cepat Dia Dapat!
13 Mar 2025
Kabar baiknya, hari ini, Kamis, 13 Maret 2025, Anda berkesempatan mendapatkan saldo DANA gratis hingga Rp220 ribu. Cek caranya di sini!
5 Film Komedi Romantis yang Bikin Baper & Ketawa Bersamaan, Cocok Buat Mood Booster!
6 menit lalu
Cari tontonan yang bisa bikin hati hangat, senyum-senyum sendiri, sekaligus ngakak? Film komedi romantis adalah jawabannya! Genre ini memadukan dua elemen yang paling dis
Oppo A5 Pro 4G Resmi Dirilis: Baterai 5.800mAh, Snapdragon 6s Gen 1, dan Ketahanan Kelas Militer!
10 menit lalu
Oppo kembali menghadirkan inovasi terbaru di pasar ponsel pintar dengan meluncurkan Oppo A5 Pro 4G
Pecinta Horor Wajib Nonton! 5 Film Terseram yang Pernah Ada, Bikin Susah Tidur!
11 menit lalu
Mengaku pemberani dan suka menguji nyali? Kalau begitu, kamu wajib nonton film-film horor terseram yang pernah ada! Film horor punya cara tersendiri untuk menakut-nakuti
Cara Mengunjungi Rumah Pikachu di Sakura School Simulator, Lengkap dengan Panduan Praktis!
12 menit lalu
Sakura School Simulator menjadi salah satu game yang digemari karena kebebasan eksplorasi yang ditawarkannya.
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