Location Unknown yang Viral Gara-gara Gempi, Liriknya Dalem Banget
- Instagram @hellohonne
VIVA – Lagu berjudul Location Unknown yang populer dibawakan oleh band indi asal London, HONNE tiba-tiba banyak dibicarakan di Indonesia. Pasalnya lagu itu populer berkat Gempita Nora Marten, putri Gading Marten yang menyanyikannya di Instagram.
Dengan fasih di dalam sebuah mobil, Gempi menyanyikan salah satu penggalan lagu Honne yang saat itu sedang diputar di dalam mobil.Â
Karenanya, warganet ramai memburu Instagram band tersebut, bahkan menulis komentar disertai tanda pagar #garagaragempi. Tagar itu pun sukses menjadi trending topics hingga direspons langsung oleh personel HONNE.
Jika mendalami lirik lagunya, sebetulnya lagu itu menyiratkan kesedihan dan kerinduan sepasang kekasih yang telah lama berpisah tanpa kabar.
"My location unknown tryna find a way back home to you again I gotta get back to you gotta gotta get back to you. (Lokasi saya tak terdeteksi, mencoba mencari jalan pulang menemuimu lagi. Aku akan pulang kepadamu, aku akan pulang kepadamu)," begitu kira-kira penggalan lagu tersebut yang dinyanyikan Gempi.
Penasaran gimana lagu lengkapnya? Berikut ini VIVA.co.id cantumkan lirik lagu dan videonya.
Location UnknownÂ
by: Honne
Travelling places, I ain't seen you in ages
But I hope you come back to me
My mind's running wild with you faraway
I still think of you a hundred times a day
I still think of you too, if only you knew
When I'm feeling a bit down and I wanna pull through
I look over your photograph
And I think how much I miss you, I miss you
I wish I knew where I was, 'cause I don't have a clue
I just need to work out some way of getting me to you
'Cause I will never find a love like ours out here
In a million years, a million years
My location unknown tryna find a way back home to you again
I gotta get back to you gotta gotta get back to you
My location unknown tryna find a way back home to you again
I gotta get back to you gotta gotta get back to you
I just need to know that you're safe, given that I'm miles away. On the first flight back to your side
I don't care how long it takes, I know you'll be worth the wait. On the first flight back to your side
Travelling places I ain't seen you in ages
But I hope you come back to me
My mind's running wild with you faraway
I still think of you a hundred times a day
I still think of you too if only you knew
I just need to work out some way of getting me to you
'Cause I will never find a love like ours out here
In a million years, a million years
My location unknown tryna find a way back home to you again
I gotta get back to you gotta gotta get back to you
My location unknown tryna find a way back home to you again
I gotta get back to you gotta gotta get back to you
I just need to know that you're safe, given that I'm miles away. On the first flight back to your side
I don't care how long it takes, I know you'll be worth the wait. On the first flight back to your side
I don't want to be wasting time without you
Don't want to throw away my life I need you
Something tells me we'll be alright
Something tells me we'll be alright, alright
I don't want to be wasting time without you
Don't wanna throw away my life I need you
Something tells me we'll be alright
But something tells me we'll be alright alright
My location unknown tryna find a way back home to you again
I gotta get back to you gotta gotta get back to you
My location unknown tryna find a way back home to you again
I gotta get back to you gotta gotta get back to you
I just need to know that you're safe, given that I'm miles away. On the first flight back to your side
I don't care how long it takes, I know you'll be worth the wait. On the first flight back to your side
I wish I'd known, my location unknown
My location unknown, my location unknown, unknown. (ldp)