Pede Unggah Foto Wajah Penuh Jerawat, Wanita Ini Viral

Kali Kushner
Sumber :
  • – Jerawat adalah sesuatu yang hampir dialami semua orang, baik yang hanya muncul kadang-kadang atau yang menetap lama, parah hingga meradang. Karena itu, banyak orang terutama kaum Hawa rela melakukan perawatan untuk mengobatinya atau dengan cara menutupinya menggunakan kosmetik.

3 Perawatan Pria yang Wajib Dilakukan Setiap Hari, Jangan Sampai Kelewat!

Namun tidak untuk wanita satu ini. Kali Kushner justru tidak malu memamerkan foto-fotonya dengan wajah penuh jerawat. Wanita berusia 22 tahun itu, bahkan mendokumentasikan perawatan menggunakan Accutane untuk mengobati jerawat dalam akunnya di Instagram.

Dikutip dari Teen Vogue, Rabu, 4 Oktober 2017, dia mengunggah foto kondisi jerawatnya dari waktu ke waktu yang menunjukkan hasil positif. Hal itu pun mendapat sambutan baik dari warganet, banyak yang memberikan dukungan kepadanya.

Davina Karamoy Alami Body Shaming Gegara Jerawatan, Netizen: Pasti Kena Ain

"Dahulu saya berpikir itu aneh karena saya tidak melakukan apapun, hanya menggunakan Accutane dan melakukan swafoto, tapi sekarang saya sadar bahwa alasan orang mengikuti cerita saya karena tidak ada yang benar-benar mengunggah foto-foto seperti ini,” katanya.


I was talking with a coworker today & the topic of accutane came up. I told her about how I had endured the accutane treatment for 6 months to treat my severe cystic acne and she WOULD NOT believe me. She looked absolutely confused and said " I know what accutane is for, but you don't have acne." She said there's "no way you had acne, your skin is awesome & I've never even see you break out!"???????? I pointed to my scars and said ," here, you see my scars, those are from how deep and painful the cysts were on my face." She continued to tell me that she had never even noticed them before- until I pointed them out and she looked REALLLY close. I wanted to post an update of my progress from pre accutane to date. Sometimes we are the hardest on ourselves and we don't even realize how far we've come, take it easy fam. ???????????????? #accutane #accutanejourney #postaccutane #retina #acne #acnetreatment #acnecure #clearskin #skingoals #skin #acnescars #nofilter #nofilterneeded #nomakeup #nomakeupneeded #beauty #skincare #skink #acneproblems #acnefree #acnecream #acnestudios #skinupdate #gains

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7 Manfaat Buah Matoa, Ampuh Cegah Jerawat sampai Penyakit Kanker

Kali menuturkan, banyak orang yang malu memiliki jerawat. Sebab, kulit bersih dan mulus dianggap sebagai simbol kecantikan. Jadi, kata dia, banyak orang yang tidak ingin memamerkan atau menyembunyikan jerawat mereka.

Menurutnya, tak ada yang salah dengan memiliki jerawat dan mengunggah foto wajah berjerawat ke media sosial. Itu karena, kata Kali, kondisi kulit seseorang tidak menggambarkan orang itu.

"Saya ulangi lagi, kulit Anda tidak mendefinisikan Anda. Anda mengontrol kebahagiaan Anda sendiri, hidup adalah apa yang Anda ingin lakukan. Jika Anda melihat segala sesuatu sebagai sampah maka semuanya akan begitu, tetapi jika menjadi mercusuar maka Anda akan bersinar sangat cerah," tutur Kali.


With the end of my treatment nearing in 7 days I wanted to take a sec to reflect on my journey from the beginning to my skin present day & give some advice to those who are suffering with their appearance. First of all, this doesn't happen overnight, it's a long process to cure your acne, wether it's through a specific facial, oral regime, or diet. Everyone's progress is different and for me, it took around 4 months to see real changes in my skin while on accutane. So be patient and give it time. Everyone's skin reacts differently to different products, you have to find what works for YOU. Even when your skin is better, you will continue to fight everyday for your confidence. Acne doesn't define who you are, we are so much more on the inside and if others don't see that then who cares? No one controls your happiness but you. So don't bring yourself down with constant worrying. Worrying does absolutely nothing, especially over something you have no control over. A positive attitude leads to positive outcome, when you feel good you look good. That being said, don't do anything that doesn't make you absolutely happy and purge all the negativity from your life. Having a strong support system is important. I'm thankful for my tane fam and my husband everyday, for reminding me that we're all human and we all go through difficult times. I saw another ig user say if I can do this, you can too, and I completely agree with her. You are strong, don't give up. Don't let others define who you are. You got this fam! In the grand scheme of things you'll look back one day and it'll all feel like a distant memory. #acne #accutane #myaccutanejourney #acnescars #nofilter #clearskin #acnetreatment #cleanskin #nofilterneeded

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Maia Estianty menderita rosacea.

Diderita Maia Estianty, Awas Jangan Anggap Rosacea Itu Jerawat! Ini Bedanya

Maia Estianty dan Sandra Dewi merupakan dua public figure tanah air yang menderita rosacea. Sebelumnya, Maia pernah mengunggah potret dirinya dengan wajah penuh kemerahan

16 Januari 2025