Minister: State Budget Runs Rp31.2 Trillion Deficit by February 2025

Momen Menteri Keuangan, Sri Mulyani Buka Puasa Bersama Presiden Prabowo Subianto. Sumber Foto: Media Sosial Sekretariat Kabinet
Sumber :
  • Fatahillah Ilham

Jakarta, VIVA – Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati reported that as of February 28, 2025, the state budget (APBN) recorded a deficit of Rp 31.2 trillion.

Anjlok 30,19 Persen, Setoran Pajak Februari 2025 Baru Rp 187,8 Triliun

She stated that this figure represents 0.13% of Indonesia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

"As of the end of February, the deficit stands at Rp 31.2 trillion, or 0.13% of GDP," minister Sri Mulyani said at the Ministry of Finance office in Jakarta on Thursday (March 13).

Sri Mulyani Ungkap Biang Kerok Penyebab Kurs Rupiah Tembus Rp 16.300 per Dolar AS

Despite the deficit, the Minister assured that it remains within the target set in the 2025 state budget design, which projects a total deficit of Rp616.2 trillion or 2.53% of GDP.

Menteri Keuangan, Sri Mulyani di Kompleks Istana Kepresidenan, Jakarta Pusat, Jumat, 7 Maret 2025

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  • Lestari
APBN Defisit Rp 31,2 Triliun hingga Februari 2025, Sri Mulyani: 0,13 Persen dari PDB

"The APBN was designed with a deficit of Rp 616.2 trillion. So, this 0.13% deficit is still well within the target of 2.53% of GDP," she explained.

However, minister Indrawati emphasized that from a primary balance perspective, the state budget is still in surplus, with a recorded surplus of Rp48.1 trillion.

Breaking it down, state revenue by February 2025 reached Rp 316.9 trillion, or 10.5% of the APBN target. This revenue comes from taxes, customs and excise, as well as non-tax state revenue (PNBP).

Meanwhile, government spending was recorded at Rp 348.1 trillion, or 9.6% of the total state budget, comprising central government expenditures—both ministerial/non-ministerial spending—as well as transfers to regional governments.

"State spending reached Rp348.1 trillion, or 9.6% of the total allocated budget for this year," she concluded.

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