Minister Explores THR Solutions for Online Motorcycle Taxi Drivers

Ilustrasi driver ojek online (ojol)
Sumber :
  • Tito

Jakarta, VIVA – Minister of Manpower Yassierli has spoken out regarding demands for the issuance of regulations on religious holiday allowance (THR) from online motorcycle taxi drivers.

Menaker Jamin Hak Pekerja Eks Sritex Group Terpenuhi

He revealed that even before the drivers held a protest, the Ministry of Manpower had already met with representatives of online motorcycle taxi drivers to discuss plans for providing the THR.

Not only that, the ministry has also held two meetings with business owners. He expressed hope that the online drivers would receive a fair amount of THR.

Menaker: Perusahaan Wajib Cairkan THR Paling Lambat H-7 Lebaran, Tidak Boleh Dicicil!

Menteri Ketenagakerjaan Yassierli, Menaker Yassierli Raker dengan Komisi IX DPR

Photo :
  • Ali Wafa

"We’ve actually addressed this matter regarding the THR earlier. Business owners have said they understand," said Minister Yassierli on Monday (Feb 17).

Menaker Umumkan Ojol dan Kurir Online Dapat Bonus Hari Raya 20 Persen dari Rata-rata Pendapatan

Although meetings have been held and the plan to provide THR has been acknowledged, he noted that there is still no resolution, particularly on determining the amount and formula for calculating the THR for online motorcycle taxi drivers.

"We’re working on finding the best formula—that’s what we’re waiting for. Because this is a financial matter, simulations need to be prepared, right? Let’s wait for the finalization with business owners in the coming days," he explained.

Online motorcycle taxi drivers staged a large-scale demonstration today. The protest took place in front of the Ministry of Manpower's office.

The drivers demanded that the government meet several of their demands, one of which is the right to a holiday allowance.

Menteri Ketenagakerjaan, Yassierli, memastikan pemenuhan hak-hak pekerja yang terdampak akibat pailitnya Sritex Group akan dibayarkan. [Humas Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan]

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