Minister AHY: Klaten-Prambanan Toll Road Ready to Operate

Jalan tol Klaten-Prambanan
Sumber :
  • tvOne/Teguh Joko Sutrisno

Jakarta, VIVA – Indonesian Coordinating Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY), inspected the Klaten-Prambanan toll road.

AHY Dorong Investigasi soal SHGB Pagar Laut Tangerang, Usut Jika Ada Penyalahgunaan Wewenang

The visit was conducted alongside the Minister of Public Works, Dody Hanggodo.

This toll road serves as a vital link between Yogyakarta and Solo and is part of the strategic Solo-Yogyakarta-Kulonprogo toll road project, which spans 96.5 kilometers.

Menko AHY Sebut HGB Pagar Laut di Tangerang Sudah Ada Sejak 2023

During his visit, Minister AHY emphasized the importance of the Klaten-Prambanan toll segment in facilitating smoother mobility for the public during the year-end holiday season.

According to the minister, the Klaten-Prambanan toll road in Central Java, which is approximately 8.6 kilometers long, is part of the ongoing construction of the Solo-Yogyakarta-Kulonprogo toll road.

Presiden Prabowo Minta PSN Dievaluasi, Kata Menko Infrastruktur AHY

The development is being carried out in phases, starting with sections I and II.

Although not yet fully completed, the government is striving to enable limited use of the toll road during the Christmas and New Year (Nataru) holiday period.

This measure is expected to alleviate the significant increase in traffic congestion anticipated during this time.

Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY)

Photo :
  • Istimewa

"Our visit, in particular, alongside the Minister Hanggodo, and officials from the Directorate General of Highways, is to ensure that ahead of the holiday season, we can prepare these road segments for use," the minister said on Thursday (Dec 26).

"This includes the toll road. Why? Because traffic intensity is expected to rise significantly, with a predicted sharp increase in mobility," he continued.

Minister AHY further explained that the limited operation of the Klaten-Prambanan toll road would be accompanied by enhancements to various supporting facilities.

Special attention will be given to lighting, traffic signs, and traffic management at the Prambanan intersection to ensure safe and smooth travel.

"I have emphasized that these aspects must be properly addressed so that everyone can use the road safely and efficiently, especially during the peak holiday season," he concluded.

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