Minister: Artificial Intelligence to Boost Agricultural Productivity

Menteri Komunikasi dan Digital (Menkomdigi), Meutya Hafid.
Sumber :
  • Dok. Kemenkomdigi

Jakarta, VIVA – The Minister of Communication and Digital, Meutya Hafid, stated that the government has set five priorities in its national artificial intelligence (AI) utilization strategy, such as healthcare services, bureaucratic reform, talent education, smart city development, and food security.

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In the field of healthcare services, she explained that the Ministry of Health is leveraging AI to support efforts to expand access to services and improve diagnostic accuracy.

"This technology enables early disease detection and efficiency in hospital management," she said on Monday (Dec 23).

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The Minister also highlighted that predictive, preventive, participatory, and personalized models, known as the 4Ps, are being implemented to enhance public access to healthcare services and improve the quality of healthcare.

Menteri Komunikasi dan Digital (Menkomdigi), Meutya Hafid.

Photo :
  • Dok. Kemenkomdigi
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Furthermore, she stated that AI is a driving force for change in bureaucratic reform.

In this regard, several government agencies have adopted AI-based data processing to reduce operational time and costs.

Minister Hafid mentioned that in 2025, the government will launch an electronic-based government system (SPBE) as an integrated service across ministries.

"In particular, at the Ministry of Communication and Digital, we are already using AI to monitor and regulate negative content," she explained.

She stated that AI is also being used in talent education, designed to meet individual needs.

The implementation of self-learning methods and the provision of training materials on online platforms offer flexible access for education participants.

The Minister added that AI integration and data traffic management are being applied in developing mobility for smart cities.

"For smart cities, we are collaborating with ITB (Bandung Institute of Technology), as they are conducting rankings and analyses of cities that have implemented digital-based services," she revealed.

Minister Hafid also stated that AI is being utilized to achieve food security by optimizing agricultural productivity and managing agricultural land.

AI-based technology, in this case, is used for weather and climate forecasting as well as projecting food supply chains and logistics.

"We understand that AI will impact every sector. However, if we must prioritize, one of the key areas we need to prepare for is national food security," Minister Hafid concluded.

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