VIVA Expands Digital Business Amid Strong Growth Performance

[dok. Jajaran Direksi dan Komisaris VIVA, saat menggelar public expose di Bakrie Tower, kawasan Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan, Senin, 23 Desember 2024]
Sumber :
  • Yudha Prasetya

Jakarta, VIVA – Visi Media Asia (VIVA) and Intermedia Capital (MDIA) held their Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) on Monday (Dec 23), following the completion of the Suspension of Debt Payment Obligations (PKPU) process.

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MDIA's Director, Arhya Winastu Satyagraha, stated that after finalizing the PKPU process in early November 2024, the company's capital structure significantly improved, allowing it to better support strategic business development efforts moving forward.

"In this era of digital disruption, we are focusing on consolidating our FTA (free-to-air) business and strengthening our digital operations to adapt to and serve the shift in consumer behavior from product-centric to consumer-centric content consumption," Satyagraha said during VIVA and MDIA's Public Expose held at Bakrie Tower, South Jakarta, on Monday (Dec 23).

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Satyagraha explained that the growth of internet penetration has made digital media increasingly appealing to advertisers, as evidenced by the rising growth of digital ad spending.

To capitalize on this trend, VIVA Group, through tvOne, ANTV, and its digital arms such as One Media Digital (OMD)—which manages—and Viva Media Baru (VMB)—which oversees—continues to strengthen its digital business, targeting it as an additional revenue source alongside its broadcasting operations.

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"The digital assets of VIVA Group demonstrated significant growth in 2024, particularly in terms of pageviews compared to 2023," he remarked.

Leveraging the strong tvOne brand, recorded a remarkable 166 percent surge in pageviews, reaching a total of 1.2 billion, up from 458 million pageviews previously, with an average of 111 million pageviews per month.

To expand content distribution and viewership, tvOne has also optimized its YouTube channel, tvonenews, which now boasts 14.7 million subscribers, ranking it as the second-largest news channel on YouTube.

Meanwhile, ANTV's digital business lines—,, and—remain focused on entertainment genres, targeting younger viewers. The ANTVofficial YouTube channel has reached 5 million subscribers, while intipseleb has garnered 2 million subscribers.

Both platforms feature exclusive digital content and clips from ANTV's television programs.

[dok. Komisaris dan Direksi MDIA, usai RUPST di Bakrie Tower, kawasan Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan, Senin, 23 Desember 2024]

Photo :
  • Yudha Prasetya

However, the FTA TV broadcasting business remains the primary revenue driver for the company.

Strategic initiatives such as modernizing digital broadcasting infrastructure, strengthening signal transmission, and delivering high-quality, diverse content have successfully boosted the viewership shares of ANTV and tvOne.

"tvOne’s TV share and revenue grew significantly during this political year, coinciding with the 2024 National Election and Regional Head Elections. tvOne's election and regional coverage, including live broadcasts of the Presidential and Vice-Presidential Debates, achieved the highest TV share in the industry," Satyagraha concluded.

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