VKTR Buses Contribute to 1 Million Tons of CO2 Savings in Indonesia

Bus listrik VKTR.
Sumber :
  • Dokumentasi VKTR.

Jakarta, VIVA – VKTR Teknologi Mobilitas (VKTR) announced a significant achievement, successfully selling 64 electric buses to Transjakarta.

"For our accomplishments over the past period, we have proven our ability to sell and operate buses. To date, 64 buses are in operation from VKTR, with 52 of them being operated by Transjakarta," said VKTR Teknologi Mobilitas' Finance Director, A. Amri Aswono Putro, during an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders and Public Expose on Friday (Dec 6).

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Additionally, 12 buses have been operated by various private companies, including airports and palm oil companies.

According to Putro, the 52 buses operated by Transjakarta have been running daily without any disruptions.

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Serah Terima Bus Listrik VKTR

Photo :
  • VIVA/M Ali Wafa

"It has also been proven that every day, the 52 buses in Transjakarta cover a distance of 210 kilometers without any issues," he noted.

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Furthermore, the 52 VKTR buses in Transjakarta have been operational for 31 months, covering a total distance of approximately 7.7 million kilometers.

"It is estimated that CO2 savings have reached around 1 million tons," he concluded.

Bus listrik TransJakarta.

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