House of Representatives Appoints Five New KPK Supervisory Board Members

Gedung KPK (Foto Ilustrasi)
Sumber :

Jakarta, VIVA – The House of Representatives (DPR) officially appointed five leaders of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and five members of the KPK Supervisory Board for the 2024-2029 term.

Sidang Perdana Praperadilan Staf Hasto Ditunda Sampai 8 April 2025

“Can the report from Commission III of the House of Representatives regarding the results of the fit-and-proper test for the KPK leadership and supervisory board for the 2024-2029 term be approved?” said House of Representatives Speaker Puan Maharani during a plenary session on Thursday (Dec 5).

“Agreed,” replied the members of the 9th plenary session of the first sitting period of the 2024-2025 legislative year.

KPK Panggil Adik Febri Diansyah terkait Kasus TPPU SYL, Ini yang Digali Penyidik

Chairman of Commission III House of Representatives Habiburokhman, stated that the appointment of the KPK leaders and supervisory board was conducted through a selection or voting mechanism by Commission III.

Pimpinan DPR RI Adies Kadir saat memimpin rapat paripurna DPR RI

Photo :
  • DPR RI
KPK Didesak Usut Kasus Dugaan Korupsi Bupati Banggai

Prior to this, the candidates for KPK leaders and supervisory board members underwent a series of fit-and-proper tests.

“Furthermore, based on Article 30, paragraph 11 of Law No. 30 of 2022 concerning the KPK, on November 21, Commission III conducted voting to select and appoint five KPK leaders from 10 candidates. They also selected one of the five leaders as the Chairperson of the KPK,” said Habiburokhman during the plenary session.

He added that in the voting process, Setyo Budiyanto secured 46 votes from Commission III members, with 45 votes as chairperson.

Next, Fitroh Rohcahyanto received 48 votes and one vote as chairperson. Then, Johanis Tanak received 48 votes with two votes as chairperson. After that, Agus Joko Pramono garnered 39 votes. Also, Ibnu Basuki Widodo obtained 33 votes.

For the KPK Supervisory Board for the 2024-2029 term, chosen by Commission III DPR, the members include Benny Jozua Mamoto with 46 votes, Chisca Mirawati with 46 votes, Wisnu Baroto with 43 votes, Gusrizal with 40 votes, and Sumpeno with 40 votes.

Thus, the composition of the elected KPK leadership is as follows:

KPK Chairman: Setyo Budiyanto (Chairperson of KPK)

Fitroh Rohcahyanto

Ibnu Basuki Widodo

Johanis Tanak

Agus Joko Pramono

KPK Supervisory Board Members:

Benny Jozua Mamoto

Chisca Mirawati

Wisnu Baroto



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