Anindya Bakrie: ICA-CEPA Agreement to Boost Canadian Investments in Indonesia

Ketua Umum Kamar Dagang dan Industri (Kadin) Indonesia, Anindya Bakrie
Sumber :
  • Aulia

Jakarta, VIVA – The Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), Anindya Bakrie, stated that the Indonesia-Canada Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (ICA-CEPA) represented a historic partnership between the two nations.

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He highlighted that achieving such a comprehensive economic cooperation agreement is a significant accomplishment, as its realization is far from easy.

"Because a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement is easy to discuss but not easy to implement. It can take 2-3 years," Bakrie said in a statement on Monday (Dec 2).

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Bakrie also expressed his gratitude for Indonesia's CEPA partnerships with various countries, including Canada, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Australia.

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Photo :
  • Ali Wafa
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He emphasized that the timing of these partnerships is highly strategic, especially following President Prabowo's recent 2.5-week visit to several countries, which resulted in an investment commitment worth $18.5 billion.

Bakrie is confident that the investment commitments Indonesia could secure from Canada through ICA-CEPA have the potential to grow even larger.

Furthermore, several sectors hold promising opportunities for collaboration between Indonesia and Canada under the ICA-CEPA framework. These include energy security, food security, critical minerals, and defense cooperation.

"This is an example of how the investment figures can increase with Canada due to several factors. First, the focus of the CEPA is on energy security," Bakrie remarked.

He continued, "Second, food security, which is extremely important for Indonesia. Third, critical minerals, which refer to essential minerals found underground, such as nickel, copper, and zinc, among others. And lastly, defense cooperation."

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