Anindya Bakrie Hands Over ASEAN-ABAC Leadership to Malaysia

Anindya Bakrie melakukan serah terima kepemimpinan Kaukus ASEAN untuk Kerja Sama Ekonomi Asia-Pasifik (APEC) Business Advisory Council (ABAC), kepada Ketua ABAC Malaysia, Datuk Ruben E. Gnanalingam.
Sumber :
  • Dok. Kadin

Peru, VIVA – Indonesia’s ABAC Chair and Head of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN), Anindya Novyan Bakrie, officially handed over the ASEAN Caucus leadership for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Business Advisory Council (ABAC) to Malaysia’s ABAC Chair, Datuk Ruben E. Gnanalingam.

Usai Dikukuhkan Jadi Ketua Umum Kadin, Anindya: Mari Gotong Royong Bangun Perekonomian

The handover ceremony, held at the APEC CEO Summit 2024 in Lima, Peru, was witnessed by Indonesia’s President Prabowo Subianto and Malaysia’s Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim.

“Go Indonesia, Go ASEAN, Go APEC, for a better world,” Bakrie declared in his opening remarks in Lima, Peru, on Thursday (Nov 14).

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Bakrie, who opened the event, introduced President Prabowo Subianto to the leaders of APEC nations and invited him to deliver a speech.

Anindya Bakrie

Photo :
  • Dok. Kadin Indonesia
Arsjad Rasjid: Persatuan Kadin Hal Mutlak bagi Dunia Usaha dan Ekonomi Indonesia

Following Bakrie’s introduction, President Prabowo and Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim took turns addressing the audience.

The event, organized by ABAC Indonesia and ABAC Malaysia in partnership with Kadin Indonesia, also received support from other partners, including Bakrie & Brothers (BNBR) and Lippo Group.

A High-Level Dialogue between President Prabowo and Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim was also held, covering key priorities set by President Prabowo’s administration to boost Indonesia’s economic growth to 8 percent annually.

This ambitious goal aims to position Indonesia among the world’s top five economies by 2045, aligning with the Golden Indonesia Vision.

President Prabowo emphasized that the Indonesian government is focused on several critical areas, including strengthening food security, ensuring energy resilience with a greater emphasis on renewable energy, and enhancing health resilience.

Through the APEC CEO Summit 2024, ABAC Indonesia aims to leverage this global platform to bring together business leaders from APEC member countries, ASEAN, Latin America and the Caribbean, and other dialogue partner nations.

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