Pertamina Welcomes Simon Aloysius Mantiri as New Managing Director

Simon Aloysius Mantiri
Sumber :
  • Dok. Pertamina

Jakarta, VIVA – The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) reorganized Pertamina's leadership through a General Meeting of Shareholders on Monday (Nov 4).

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This change involves the appointment of a new President Director and Board of Commissioners, who will lead Pertamina into the future.

The decision is outlined in Decrees SK-258/MBU/11/2024 and SK-259/MBU/11/2024 regarding the Dismissal and Appointment of Members of Pertamina's Board of Commissioners and Directors.

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The decrees name Simon Aloysius Mantiri as the new President Director of Pertamina, Mochamad Iriawan as Chief Commissioner, Dony Oskaria as Deputy Chief Commissioner, and Raden Adjeng Sondaryani as Independent Commissioner.

Ilustrasi Pertamina

Photo :
  • Instagram
Diperiksa Terkait Dugaan Korupsi Digitalisasi SPBU yang Dikerjakan Telkom, Pertamina: Sebagai Saksi

Pertamina's Vice President of Corporate Communication, Fadjar Djoko Santoso, clarified that the appointment and dismissal of board members of state-owned enterprises, including Pertamina, fall under the authority of the government, represented by the Minister of BUMN.

“Changes in corporate leadership are a normal and routine process, in line with existing regulations,” Santoso stated on Monday.

He added that the new leadership team will bring renewed energy to ensure Pertamina’s sustainability in the years ahead.

He also emphasized that the previous leadership laid a solid foundation for the company to advance its goals and support Indonesia's energy resilience and independence.

In the new Board of Commissioners, Mochamad Iriawan, who now serves as Chief Commissioner, is a retired high-ranking officer of the Indonesian National Police, with his last position being the Principal Secretary of the National Resilience Institute (LEMHANAS).

Dony Oskaria, appointed as Deputy Chief Commissioner, currently serves as Deputy Minister of State-Owned Enterprises.

Meanwhile, Raden Adjeng Sondaryani, who was appointed as Independent Commissioner, previously served as the Chair of the Trisakti University Petroleum Alumni Association.

At the same time, Pertamina expressed its gratitude to Mrs. Nicke Widyawati and Mr. Ahmad Fikri Assegaf, who completed their roles as President Director and Independent Commissioner, respectively.

“We extend our utmost appreciation and gratitude to Mrs. Nicke and Mr. Fikri for guiding Pertamina to achieve outstanding performance over the past few years,” Santoso remarked.

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