How an App Became Indonesia's Essential Weapon Against Covid-19

Virus Corona atau Covid-19.
Sumber :
  • Times of India

Jakarta, VIVA – Indonesia once faced the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, which had profound impact on public health, the economy, and daily life.

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Like many countries, Indonesia implemented strict health protocols, including social ditancing, mask mandates, and travel retrictios, to prevent the virus' spread.

As part of an effort to provide early prevention against the spread of Covid-19, Arya Lukmana, a student from the Faculty of Medicine at University of Indonesia and also recipient of the SATU Indonesia Award from Astra in 2020, initiated the creation of the EndCorona app.

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Covid-19 pandemic.

Photo :
  • times of india

Developed in collaboration with his cross-disciplinary peers and supervised by a team of faculty doctors from FKUI-RSCM, EndCorona was designed to assess and detect individuals' Covid-19 risk levels.

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The app offers free risk assessment services that help people determine if they fall into "Low," "Caution," "Vulnerable," or "Highly Vulnerable" risk categories.

By helping users understand their risk levels, *EndCorona* aims to prevent further spread of the virus, educate the public, and support Indonesia’s healthcare facilities.

In addition to its main feature of symptom and risk assessment, EndCorona provides access to valuable information and education on Covid-19.

This includes up-to-date case statistics, provincial emergency hotlines, and a hoax-busting section with verified information from trusted journals, literature, and sources.

The app also offered a WhatsApp helpline, linked to FKUI-RSCM’s medical team, to provide further guidance for users identified as "Vulnerable" or "Highly Vulnerable."

EndCorona was built as a public service program, with no intention of economic gain. Lukmana and his team take joy simply in seeing their creation serve the greater good by helping Indonesia move toward health and recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.

The team devoted countless hours and energy to this project, driven by a shared goal of reducing the burden on healthcare facilities and protecting lives across the nation.

ilustrasi kanker

Penyintas COVID-19 Berpotensi Mengalami Kanker Paru? Simak Penjelasan Dokter!

Apakah penyintas COVID-19 berisiko terkena kanker paru? Simak penjelasan dokter tentang kaitan infeksi virus dengan kesehatan paru-paru di sini.

11 Maret 2025