Minister Zon's Vision to Make Indonesia a Global Cultural Hub

Politisi partai Gerindra Fadli Zon
Sumber :
  • VIVA/Yeni Lestari

Sumatra, VIVA – Minister of Culture, Fadli Zon, envisions Indonesia becoming the cultural capital of the world.

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According to him, the rich and diverse cultural heritage of the archipelago serves as a primary asset in achieving this dream.

"Indonesia is a country rich in culture. You could say we are a superpower in terms of culture. We have over 700 languages, as well as a wide range of traditions and cultural expressions," Minister Zon said during his visit to the Indonesian Institute of the Arts Padang Panjang on Wednesday (Oct 30).

Resmikan Monumen Keris, Fadli Zon: Sangat Layak Sumenep jadi Ibu Kota Keris Dunia

The minister stated that many people today are unaware that Indonesia’s civilization is one of the oldest in the world.

Menteri Kebudayaan, Fadli Zon

Photo :
  • VIVA/Ahmad Farhan Faris
Panggung Songgo Buwono Ikon Keraton Surakarta Dipugar, Fadli Zon: Pakubuwono XIII Mendukung

"Many ancient artifacts millions of years old have been found in Indonesia," he remarked.

The minister added, "Our roots run deep if you look back. I want Indonesia to become the cultural capital of the world,"

He further noted that Indonesia has now entered an era of cultural appreciation through digital platforms, with a major transformation especially in the digital world.

For this reason, he encouraged all students who have chosen to pursue studies in the arts and culture to make good use of technological advancements.

"We're now in a global village thanks to advancements in communication technology. With just a handheld device, we can communicate. The internet has a major impact. We see lifestyles changing; this era presents opportunities across all sectors, including arts and culture," he concluded.

Menteri Kebudayaan, Fadli Zon, Foto: Istimewa

Menteri Kebudayaan Tekankan Komitmen Pemerintah Bangun Literasi Sejarah Peradaban Bangsa

Menurut Fadli Zon, sangat menarik menelusuri lorong waktu jejak peradaban awal sejarah peradaban manusia di Sangiran.

8 Februari 2025