New Minister Aims to Establish Indonesia as a Global Cultural Hub

Politisi partai Gerindra Fadli Zon
Sumber :
  • VIVA/Yeni Lestari

Jakarta, VIVA – Culture Minister Fadli Zon has revealed his grand vision of making Indonesia a global cultural center.

Menteri Kebudayaan Fadli Zon Minta Kepala Daerah Perhatikan Cagar Budaya RI

He emphasized that this aspiration stems from Indonesia’s rich cultural heritage, which deserves global recognition.

“We must treat our culture as a treasure, a national asset. Our wealth is not just about nickel, coal, oil, and gas; our culture is an extraordinary asset,” Minister Zon said in a statement on Monday (Oct 21).

Menteri Kebudayaan Fadli Zon

Photo :
  • Kemendikbud
Menteri Kebudayaan Tekankan Komitmen Pemerintah Bangun Literasi Sejarah Peradaban Bangsa

“This is what we will pursue. Hopefully, Indonesia can become the world’s cultural capital, The Capital of World Culture,” he added.

Minister Zon also expressed his hope that Indonesia could host a global cultural forum, such as the World Cultural Forum.

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He likened this contribution to the World Economic Forum 2024 held in Davos, Switzerland. The minister also hopes that this event can be held regularly in Indonesia.

"The hope is that Indonesia can become the host of an international cultural forum, like the World Cultural Forum," he concluded.

Menteri Kebudayaan RI, Fadli Zon dan Ketua Umum AMI Putu Supadma Rudana

Putu Rudana ke Fadli Zon: Kita Butuh Regulasi Jelas dari Pemerintah untuk Pastikan Museum Berkembang

Menurut Ketua Umum Asosiasi Museum Indonesia (AMI) Putu Rudana, penting seni budaya menjadi mercusuar dalam berbangsa bernegara.

1 Maret 2025