Minister: No Companies Registered for Sea Sand Export License Yet

Pro Kontra Dibukanya Keran Ekspor Pasir Laut
Sumber :
  • VIVA

Jakarta, VIVA – The Ministry of Trade revealed that no companies have applied to become registered exporters (ET) for sea sediment sand commodities.

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Entrepreneurs are required to go through several licensing processes before they can export sea sand and eventually obtain permits from the Ministry of Trade.

"None so far. It should first be submitted to the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) for the mining business license; the Ministry of Trade has not received any yet. It’s a long process," said Isy Karim, Director General of Foreign Trade on Tuesday (Oct 15)

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Direktur Jenderal Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Isy Karim

Photo :
  • Yudha Prasetya

Karim explained that companies intending to export sea sediment sand must have a mining business license (IUP).

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This license is issued by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM).

After that, the company will be granted ET status by the Ministry of Trade, which is then used to apply for an export approval permit (PE) and to submit reports from a surveyor (LS).

However, Isy emphasized that to export this commodity, companies must comply with various requirements, one of which is fulfilling domestic needs.

"It's like with palm oil, where there’s a domestic market obligation (DMO); domestic needs must be met before applying for export," he remarked.

Previously, the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, stated that there is significant interest from companies wanting to utilize sea sediment sand.

"Many have applied," Minister Trenggono said some time ago.

According to him, the number of such companies exceeds 66. However, the government has not yet opened the export market for sea sediment sand.

The permits for utilizing sea sediment sand, both for domestic use and export, are strictly regulated to ensure that ecological aspects are preserved alongside economic benefits.

The strict requirements for utilizing this commodity include obtaining licenses, using specific vessels and technology, and ensuring that business operators clearly explain the purpose of the sediment they collect. This is to ensure that the sediment’s use does not harm the environment.

The management of sediment is regulated by KP Regulation No. 26 of 2023, which states that sediment management is carried out to address sedimentation that can reduce the carrying capacity and capacity of coastal and marine ecosystems, as well as the health of the ocean.

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