15,000 Police Personnel to Secure Prabowo and Gibran's Inauguration

Dok. Istimewa
Sumber :
  • VIVA.co.id/Rahmat Fatahillah Ilham

Jakarta, VIVA – The Indonesian National Police deployed 15,000 personnel to secure the inauguration ceremony of President Prabowo Subianto and Vice President Gibran Rakabuming Raka for the 2024-2029 term at the People’s Consultative Assembly building in Senayan, Jakarta.

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In preparation, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo reviewed the final rehearsal for the troop assembly as part of the 2024 Mantap Brata Operation, ensuring the security of the oath-taking ceremony of the new President and Vice President of Indonesia.

“The final rehearsal for the troop assembly was conducted at the Brimob Headquarters in Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java. The official ceremony will also take place at the same location,” said Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo, Assistant Chief of Police for Human Resources, in a statement on Sunday (Oct 13).

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Prasetyo added, “A total of 15,000 personnel, including specialized equipment, will be deployed for this security operation,"

Ilustrasi pengamanan aparat Kepolisian

Photo :
  • vstory
Panen Perdana di Kalteng, Bukti Swasembada Pangan Bukan Sekedar Omon-omon

As known, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) also attended the Mantap Brata Operation's Troop Assembly for the security of the presidential and vice-presidential oath-taking ceremony.

During the occasion, President Jokowi led the Mantap Brata Operation ceremony and also awarded the Nugraha Sakanti Honor to seven Indonesian National Police units.

The Nugraha Sakanti Honor is bestowed upon Indoneian National Police units that have made significant contributions to policing efforts beneficial to the nation.

The seven units awarded were the Brimob Corps, Traffic Corps, Criminal Investigation Agency, Security Maintenance Agency, the Counterterrorism Unit, the Police Medical and Health Center, and the International Relations Division of the Police.

Ketua DPR RI Puan Maharani.

Puan Sepakat dengan Prabowo, Menteri dan Jubir Kepresidenan Harus Perbaiki Komunikasi ke Rakyat

etua DPR RI, Puan Maharani, merespons soal instruksi Presiden Prabowo Subianto kepada jajarannya untuk memperbaiki cara komunikasi mereka kepada masyarakat.

25 Maret 2025