Minister Calls for Industrial Law Revisions in Partnership with Kadin

Menteri Perindustrian Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita dan Ketua Umum Kadin Indonesia, Anindya Bakrie
Sumber :
  • Aulia

Jakarta, VIVA – Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita stated that the government will collaborate with the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) to revise Law Number 3 of 2014 on Industry.

Kepala Bapanas Pede Sinergi dengan Kadin Bantu Capai Target Ekonomi RI 8 Persen

The minister said that this revision is being undertaken because the law is considered no longer able to address the current dynamics faced by the industry.

"There are two things the government will collaborate with Kadin on in the near future. First, the government's intention to evaluate and revise Law Number 3 of 2014 on industry," the minister said in Jakarta on Monday (Sept 30).

Kepala Bapanas Ajak Kadin Bangun Ekosistem Pangan dari Hulu ke Hilir

He added, "According to our study, Law Number 3 of 2014 is no longer capable of addressing the challenges and dynamics faced by the industry,"

Sarasehan Kadin Indonesia dan Menteri Perindustrian Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita

Photo :
  • Ali Wafa
Gandeng Bapanas, Anindya Bakrie Tegaskan Kadin Siap Bantu Wujudkan Ketahanan Pangan RI

He explained that the challenges currently faced by the industry can no longer be fully regulated by Government Regulation and Presidential Regulation.

"For instance, when we talk about technology, green industry, and strengthening domestic industrial absorption, these matters cannot be adequately regulated by a Presidential Regulation. They must be elevated into the law," Minister Kartasasmita explained.

Additionally, the minister said that his ministry will also collaborate with Kadin Indonesia to formulate a roadmap toward Indonesia Emas 2045 (Golden Indonesia 2045).

"Secondly, we will also work together to formulate a roadmap toward Indonesia Emas 2045 for the industrial sector."

Responding to this, Chairman of Kadin Indonesia, Anindya Bakrie, expressed that Kadin is ready to collaborate with the Ministry of Industry to revise Law 3/2014 and create a roadmap for the industrial sector.

"Regarding the invitation from the minister to revise Law Number 3 of 2014 and to create a future roadmap, obviously we're very ready to assist," he remarked.

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