President Jokowi Promises Thorough Evaluation of PON XXI 2024

Presiden Jokowi Pimpin Rapat Kabinet Terakhir di IKN Nusantara
Sumber :
  • Sekretariat Presiden

Jakarta, VIVA – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has promised to evaluate the organization of the 21st National Sports Week (PON XXI) in Aceh and North Sumatra.

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This promise was made following complaints about several issues during the event, including food provided by the organizers, such as packaged bread and coconut milk.

The Head of State emphasized that all government-related activities are always evaluated to make corrections and improvements for the future.

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Renang perairan terbuka PON XXI Aceh-Sumut

Photo :
  • Istimewa

"Everything related to government activities is always evaluated, and if there are corrections to be made, they will be addressed for future improvements," the President said after inaugurating the Indonesia Islamic Financial Center at the Danareksa Tower, Gambir, Central Jakarta, on Tuesday (Sept 17).

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The President acknowledged that typically, some corrections are needed for major events like PON, whether related to sports venues, accommodations, or food.

"I think in large events, there are always corrections, always improvements. Be it in terms of the venue, food, or accommodations, there will always be areas that need improvement," he stated.

Regarding the breakfast issue, consisting of bread and packaged coconut milk, Jokowi requested that the matter be confirmed directly with the Minister of Youth and Sports, Dito Ariotedjo.

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28 Februari 2025

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