Marsudi HInts at Not Serving as Foreign Minister Under Prabowo-Gibran Era

Menteri Luar Negeri RI Retno Marsudi berbicara dalam “Global Refugee Forum”, yang diselenggarakan di Kantor PBB di Jenewa, Swiss, pada Rabu (13/12/2023).
Sumber :
  • ANTARA/HO-Kemlu RI.

Jakarta, VIVA – Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi has indicated that she may not join the cabinet of President-elect Prabowo Subianto's administration.

Menlu Retno Beri Sinyal Tidak Jadi Menlu Lagi di Kabinet Prabowo-Gibran

This indication was made when Retno explained that there are still many tasks that her successor at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will need to continue.

On this occasion, minister Marsudi also confirmed that she would outline the tasks that need to be prioritized for completion by the next Foreign Minister.

Menlu Retno: Jangan Tinggalkan Palestina Sendirian di Tengah Hak-hak Mereka Dirampas

Menlu Retno Marsudi

Photo :
  • Longdong

"Work continues; it's impossible for everything to be finished now. So, there will definitely be a lot, and whoever replaces me will need to sit down with me first," Minister Marsudi said in Jakarta on Thursday (Sept 12).

Menteri-menteri KIM Berbincang Pagi di IKN, Airlangga Diapit Sri Mulyani dan Retno Marsudi

She added, "We will sit down, and I will present the pending tasks that need immediate attention or should be prioritized,"

Minister Marsudi further emphasized that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has already prepared for the transition period to ensure that ongoing programs and unfinished tasks can be carried forward.

"Everything has been prepared. And once again, whoever replaces me, I am confident they will be better, and it will be for the betterment of Indonesia," she concluded.

Menteri Luar Negeri Retno Marsudi

Menlu Retno Titip Pesan ke DPR Jelang Akhir Masa Jabatan: Jangan Tinggalkan Bangsa Palestina

Menteri Luar Negeri (Menlu) RI, Retno Marsudi menyampaikan salam perpisahan di akhir masa jabatannya. Dia titip jangan lupakan bangsa Palestina

12 September 2024