President Jokowi Calls for Solidarity and Sportmanship at PON XXI 2024

Presiden Jokowi saat pembukaan PON XXI di Aceh
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Aceh, VIVA – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) officially opened the XXI National Sports Week (PON) Aceh-North Sumatra 2024 at Harapan Bangsa Stadium (SHB), Lhong Raya, Banda Aceh, on Monday night (Sept 9).

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Accompanied by First Lady Iriana Jokowi, the head of state opened the PON XXI event and expressed his gratitude in the Acehnese language to the local government and Aceh people who hosted the opening ceremony of PON XXI.

"We were all joyful, all excited to welcome the biggest sports festival in Indonesia. I also wanted to express my thanks - teurimong gaseh - to the local government and all the people of Aceh for hosting the opening of PON XXI Aceh-North Sumatra tonight," the President said in his remarks.

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Photo :
  • Yudha Prasetya

President Jokowi stated that PON is an event to produce more of the Nation's best athletes, world record breakers, and future gold medalists at the Asian Games, SEA Games, and the Olympics.

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Additionally, PON is also an activity to strengthen unity and booster the bonds of brotherhood as a nation.

Moreover, President Jokowi urged all athletes to uphold sportsmanship and fair play. He also invited everyone to celebrate the XXI National Sports Week with a spirit of togetherness, sportsmanship, and joy, to achieve achievements that will make the nation proud.

"I declared the XXI National Sports Week Aceh-North Sumatra officially open. Thank you," he stated.

PON 2024 marks the first time that this national multi-event sports festival is being held simultaneously in two provinces, Aceh and North Sumatra.

A total of 65 sports branches, 87 disciplines, and 1,042 events are being held in 20 regencies/cities across Aceh and North Sumatra in this competition, which also serves as a stage to showcase the achievements of regional sports development.

Four new autonomous regions (DOB)—Southwest Papua, Central Papua, Central Highlands Papua, and South Papua—are making their debut at PON, along with the participation of the National Capital Nusantara (IKN) contingent.

At least 13,000 athletes are competing to be the best until the closing ceremony of the national sports festival, which is scheduled to take place on September 20, 2024.

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