Pope Francis Conveys Two Significant Messages for Indonesian People

Paus Fransiskus Pimpin Misa Suci di Stadion Gelora Bung Karno Jakarta
Sumber :
  • AP Photo /Achmad Ibrahim

Jakarta, VIVA – Head of the Catholic Church and Sovereign of the Vatican City State, Pope Francis delivered two important messages to the people of Indonesia to support interreligious harmony.

Meski dalam Keadaan Sakit, Paus Fransiskus Minta Perang Diakhiri

"First, always look at things deeply, because only there can you find what is common within differences," said the Pope while attending a meeting with interfaith leaders at the Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta on Thursday (Sept 5).

Pope Francis also used a metaphor to describe the Silaturahmi Tunnel that connects the Istiqlal Mosque with the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Jakarta.

Foto Terbaru Paus Fransiskus Setelah Sebulan Lebih Dirawat di RS

He said that this tunnel is located underground, implying that it is hidden and not visible, like roots.

Paus Fransiskus Pimpin Misa Suci di Stadion Gelora Bung Karno Jakarta

Photo :
  • AP Photo/Dita Alangkara
Masih Dalam Perawatan, Paus Fransiskus Rayakan 12 Tahun Kepausan di RS

Nonetheless, this tunnel leads to a place where religion and divine aspects can be found.

"Look deeply, understand what flows in our lives, the desires that dwell in our hearts, and then we will find that in our hearts we are all brothers. We're pilgrims on a journey towards God," the Pope said.

The second message from Pope Francis emphasized the importance of maintaining interreligious relationships.

He used the metaphor of the Friendship Tunnel, designed to connect two different sides, as a representation.

According to him, bringing together different religions and beliefs in the world often requires efforts to find common ground between doctrines and confessions of faith.

"However, reality can sometimes divide us, as the doctrines and confessions of each religion differ. What truly brings us together is by creating diverse relationships among us, while always maintaining bonds of friendship," he stated.

Pope Francis stressed that such relationships must be sincere, where each party is committed to seeking the truth together by learning about the traditions of other religions, to meet the spiritual needs of the faithful.

"Affirming religious communities and humanity is the inspiration we must follow, and it will also be the title of the joint declaration prepared for this occasion," the Pope concluded.

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