Uzbekistan Independence Day: A Celebration of Unity and Heartfelt Love
- Ist
VIVA – Gaining independence is not just a story of statehood but also of the people, their destinies and the future of the country. This is why sovereignty is the most significant value for any state. For citizens, peaceful life and societal stability are the primary achievements that independence brings.
Today, Uzbekistan enjoys peace and stability, interethnic harmony, an atmosphere of kindness and compassion and a continuous focus on helping those in need. All this noble work has become an integral part of state policy. Peace and tranquility, civic harmony, religious tolerance and the equal participation of representatives of various cultures in societal life are the hallmarks of the New Uzbekistan. The country's experience in fostering and promoting interreligious and intercultural dialogue is of great value.
This year, the country celebrates the 33rd anniversary of independence under the slogan "Only united — are we one people, only together — we are a strong country!" Numerous events aimed at strengthening national unity, promoting Uzbekistan's cultural heritage and highlighting its achievements will be organized as part of the celebration. Literary and artistic evenings, national cinema days, festivities, cultural and sports events and gastronomic festivals are planned.
Uzbekistan independence day
- Ist
Since the day Uzbekistan gained independence, enormous changes have occurred in all areas of the country's life. Economic growth, social stability and political independence have all been made possible by the efforts of the people.
Radical changes in domestic and foreign policy aimed at safeguarding national interests and achieving practical results have been recognized and supported by the international community.
Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, Shakhrisabz, Termez and Kokand are cities known far beyond Uzbekistan's borders as architectural centers of art, culture and science. The palaces, mausoleums, mosques and minarets built on this land have earned their place in the annals of world history. In the Middle Ages, Uzbekistan was the heart of the Great Silk Road, which contributed to the development of unique architectural projects.
Moreover, enormous constructive work continues to this day. Large industrial enterprises, numerous small businesses and private enterprises are being established. Residential buildings, roads, bridges, infrastructure, educational, scientific, health care, cultural and sports facilities are being constructed. The wide roads, recreational areas and educational institutions from the outskirts of Karakalpakstan to the remote villages of the Fergana Valley are a sight to behold. Additionally, new above-ground stations of the Tashkent metro are being put into operation. We are witnessing large-scale reforms and economic growth in all areas, reflecting the people's aspirations and dreams.
In recent years, the republic has achieved high rates of economic growth and made significant strides in sustainable development. The introduction of modern technologies and the diversification of the economy are among the state's main strategies, ensuring the creation of new jobs and improving the population's living standards. Additionally, Uzbekistan has become one of the key players in the region in transport and energy.
An essential part of the reforms is also the development of the law enforcement system, strengthening citizens' rights, and fighting corruption. Such measures enable our people to participate more actively in decision-making and shaping their destiny.
The focus remains on increasing attention to youth. In this regard, 2024 has been declared the "Year of Youth and Business Support," highlighting the country's commitment to strengthening the role of the younger generation in socio-economic development and supporting entrepreneurship. This includes the creation of special funds to finance innovative youth projects, the development of programs to stimulate business entities and the provision of microloans. The importance of active youth participation in society's modernization process through the development of their scientific potential and obtaining a quality education is also enshrined in the "Uzbekistan - 2030" Strategy.
Uzbekistan continues to make efforts to develop strategic plans aimed at supporting youth and entrepreneurship. This year, special attention is being paid to creating additional opportunities for the younger generation, focusing on unlocking their potential. For example, the number of young people sent to prestigious foreign universities through the "El-Yurt Umidi" Foundation is planned to be doubled to support free-thinking and creative youth. Half of them will study technical and exact sciences and IT.
A priority task for the state is creating conditions for a free, prosperous, and flourishing life for women, as enshrined in the "Uzbekistan — 2030" Strategy. This document implements large-scale measures to increase the political, social, and economic activity of women, protect motherhood and childhood, establish gender equality and ensure women's rights and interests.
Furthermore, Uzbekistan has adopted norms guaranteeing women equal pay with men for work of equal value. Restrictions on women's labor in certain industries have been lifted.
Speaking at a festive event on March 8, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted that within the framework of the 2024 State Program, 5,000 women in need of complex surgical operations and facing difficult life situations will receive treatment at the expense of the state budget and international financial institutions. Additionally, one million pregnant women and 1.5 million breastfeeding mothers have been provided with free iodine supplements, and about six million women of reproductive age have been provided with iron and folic acid supplements. Furthermore, four thousand women in difficult life situations have been provided with housing assistance.
Since March, the "Girls' Academy" platform has been launched to train young women and girls in entrepreneurship, marketing and graphic design. The project also organizes various competitions, training camps and internships.
Thanks to the great attention and concrete measures taken by the head of state to develop the family and implement effective policies in this direction, the material well-being and quality of life of families are steadily improving, and their spiritual and moral condition is strengthening.
The 33rd anniversary of independence is an important milestone in our country's history. During this period, Uzbekistan has overcome many challenges and achieved significant success in its development.
We are proud of our beloved homeland and hope for a bright and prosperous future.