Bakrie Group's EMP Signs MoU for Gas, Oil Developments in South Africa

Bakrie Group Subsidiary Signs MoU for Gas and Oil Developments in South Africa
Sumber :
  • tvOne

Maputo, VIVA – A subsidiary of the Bakrie Group, Energi Mega Persada (EMP), has signed an MoU with a South African company, Guma Group, to explore the development of oil and natural gas in the Buzi Block, Mozambique, South Africa.

The MoU was signed on the sidelines of the 2nd Indonesia Africa Forum (IAF) and the High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnership (HLF MSP) in Bali on Monday (Sept 2), witnessed by Deputy Foreign Minister Pahala Nugraha Mansyuri.

The President of Buzi Hydrocarbons Pte (BHPL), Taufan Eko Nugroho Rotorasiko, expressed gratitude that the gas project, aimed at fulfilling the fuel needs for power generation in Mozambique which has been undertaken by Energi Mega Persada already gives satisfactory result.

The President of Buzi Hydrocarbons Pte (BHPL), Taufan Eko Nugroho

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  • tvOne

“We from the Bakrie Group, which has long had business ventures in Mozambique through Energi Mega Persada have officially signed a cooperation agreement with an African company for energy development in South Africa,” Nugroho said, as quoted by tvOne on Tuesday.

Nugroho stated that the work carried out by his team in connection with this cooperation has also proceeded well and is a source of pride.

“This can also help Indonesian businesses penetrate the African market,” he remarked.

So far, several other performances in the oil and gas sector, including seismic activities carried out by Indonesians, have provided alternative solutions, even for countries in the African region.

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Bakrie Group Subsidiary Signs MoU for Gas and Oil Developments in South Africa

Photo :
  • tvOne

Similarly, the South African government has appreciated the interest of Indonesian companies in investing to explore gas reserves in the Buzi Block.

Sah! NU Dapat Izin Kelola Tambang Batu Bara di Daerah Ini

The country hopes that the gas produced in the Buzi Block will benefit not only the people of Mozambique but also neighboring countries that have long needed resources for electricity generation.

83 Tahun Bakrie Group

83 Tahun Bakrie Group, Jadikan "Kebersamaan untuk Kemanfaatan"

Mengawali usaha dengan perdagangan umum di Lampung, kini Bakrie Group telah berkembang dan memiliki ragam perusahaan yang bergerak di sejumlah unit usaha.

11 Februari 2025