Indonesia's Economy Could Grow by 8 Percent, Minister Roeslani Says

Menteri Investasi Rosan Perkasa Roeslani.
Sumber :
  • APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC)

Jakarta, VIVA – Investment Minister Rosan Roeslani stated that there is no reason for Indonesia not to achieve economic growth of 8 percent. This was stated during the Future of Indonesia Dialogue event at Hutan Kota by Plataran, Gelora Bung Karno, Senayan, Jakarta.

The event was a collaboration between the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) Indonesia, the Ministry of Investment/BKPM, and the Ministry of Finance.

Minister Roeslani emphasized that Indonesia's economic potential is enormous, supported by statements from ministers he met in Singapore.

"I still remember my discussions with ministers in Singapore, where they said there should be no reason not to achieve growth of six, seven, or even eight percent," he said on Saturday (Aug 31).

Ilustrasi grafik perekonomian (Source:

Photo :
  • vstory

According to him, an 8 percent economic growth is not an impossible target. He also highlighted the achievements of other Asian countries, such as China.

"That figure is very small compared to China, so if other countries can do it, I am confident that we can achieve that growth," the minister remarked.

Furthermore, he stressed that Indonesia has an advantage in satellite technology, which enhances connectivity and supports economic growth.

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Additionally, Indonesia's vast natural resources and pro-investment government policies are significant advantages for achieving substantial economic growth.

"Our main asset is the satellite center we have, compared to other countries. Second, we have abundant potential in natural resources and government policies," the minister explained.

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However, Minister Roeslani acknowledged that while the government has implemented good policies, such as the omnibus law and various other reforms, these policies are often not effectively communicated to the public.

"But sometimes the good policies we've implemented, like the omnibus law and others, are not well communicated to them," he said.

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Overall, the minister is confident that Indonesia has all the resources needed to achieve 8 percent economic growth.

With strong commitment from all parties and the right strategies, Indonesia can not only reach this target but also strengthen its position as a major economic power in Asia and the world.

Ilustrasi energi hijau atau green energy.

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Menteri Investasi dan Kepala BKPM, Rosan Roeslani, mengungkapkan salah satu tantangan dalam membangun ekosistem energi hijau di Indonesia. Salah satunya, SDM.

17 September 2024