Prabowo-Gibran Era to Build Giant Sea Wall Across Java Coastline

Proyek Giant Sea Wall Jakarta.
Sumber :

Jakarta, VIVA – The new government under the leadership of President-elect Prabowo Subianto and Vice President-elect Gibran Rakabuming Raka plans to build a Giant Sea Wall.

This infrastructure is planned to stretch from Jakarta to Gresik, East Java.

Hashim Djojohadikusumo, Chairman of the Gerindra Party's Board of Trustees, revealed that the Giant Sea Wall is a new project that Prabowo hopes can begin soon.

"The President-elect wants to build a Giant Sea Wall from Jakarta to Gresik in East Java. This project may not be realized until 20 years from now," he said on Saturday (Aug 31).

Prabowo Subianto dan Gibran Rakabuming Raka tiba di Gedung KPU RI, Rabu, 24 April 2024

Photo :
  • Lestari

This project is considered highly urgent due to the continuous rise in sea levels, but its construction will take a considerable amount of time.

The core of this project is to protect the northern coast of Java Island.

Djojohadikusumo explained that the concept of the Giant Sea Wall has been discussed since 1994 by Bappenas, originally as a solution to save the northern coast of Jakarta.

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However, Prabowo Subianto saw the urgency for the Sea Wall's construction is not only felt in northern Jakarta but also along the entire northern coast of Java Island.

He added that the development of the program will be carried out through partnerships, including government and private sector collaborations.

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Opportunities are open not only to local private entities but also to foreign ones.

"Private companies are also welcome to join in the development. Prabowo Subianto has already mentioned that developers from Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and even Russia are welcome to bring their funds to Indonesia," he concluded.

Pengamat Anggap Prabowo Layak Bentuk Kabinet Gemuk tapi dengan Syarat Tertentu
Ketua KPU Solo Bambang Christanto

Nama Wapres Terpilih Gibran Masih Tercatat di DPT Pilkada Solo 2024

Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) Solo telah menentukan jumlah daftar pemilih tetap (DPT) untuk pemilihan kepala daerah (Pilkada) Solo 2024, sebanyak 442.975 orang. Nama Wakil.

18 September 2024