Leuwikeris Dam Vital for Flood Prevention in Tasikmalaya, Jokowi Says

Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi)
Sumber :
  • VIVA.co.id/Andrew Tito

Tasikmalaya, VIVA – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inaugurated the Leuwikeris Dam in Cineam Village, Tasikmalaya District, West Java Province, on Thursday (Aug 29).

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The head of state was accompanied by First Lady Iriana and Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Minister Basuki Hadimuljono, along with provincial and district government officials from Ciamis and Tasikmalaya.

The inauguration of the Leuwikeris Dam, located on the border of Tasikmalaya and Ciamis Districts, was signed directly by Jokowi and marked by the installation of a replica of a kujang, a West Java weapon.

Kata Jokowi Soal Pramono Anung Diberhentikan dari Sekretaris Kabinet

On that occasion, the President conveyed several benefits of the Leuwikeris Dam.

Kementerian PUPR melakukan pengisian awal waduk Bendungan Leuwikeris

Photo :
  • Kementerian PUPR
Data NPWP Bocor, Jokowi Sudah Perintahkan Menkominfo dan BSSN

“We hope that it can be multifunctional, both for raw water, both for irrigation water, both for flood control, and also power generation,” said the Head of State.

Noted, this can already irrigate an area of 11,200 hectares of irrigation and very large benefits for farmers.

President Jokowi emphasized that water is a source of life that must be managed properly. This is important to avoid potential disaster and ensure the welfare of the community.

“Without water there is no life, without water there is no food. Therefore, water must be managed well because every drop is very, very valuable,” the President said.

He stated that construction of the Leuwikeris Dam took eight years, with a budget of IDR 3.5 trillion.

The Leuwikeris Dam has a total water reservoir of 81.44 million m3, with an inundation area of 243 hectares, which can irrigate an irrigation area of 11,200 hectares.

Ilustrasi Pilkada

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