No Public Access to IKN Until September 2024 for Development Priorities

Upacara HUT Ke-79 Kemerdekaan RI Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN)
Sumber :
  • Kementerian PUPR

Penajam Paser Utara, VIVA – The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) will temporarily close the State Capital (IKN) to public visits. This closure will last until September 2024.

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Through a post on the Instagram account @KemenPUPR, it was explained that it aims to prioritize the ongoing development in IKN. As recorded that 68 high-intensity work packages still need to be carried out simultaneously.

During the celebration of Indonesia’s 79th Independence Day on August 17, 2024, all construction activities in IKN were temporarily stopped.

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"Following the Independence Day celebration, construction in IKN will resume, with 68 high-intensity work packages being carried out simultaneously. Therefore, public visits to IKN will be temporarily closed," said the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, as quoted from the Instagram account @kemenpupr on Sunday (Aug 25).

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Photo :
  • AP Photo /Achmad Ibrahim
Menhub Targetkan Bandara IKN Sudah Komersil Sebelum 2028

In this context, the closure of public access will remain in place until the paving of the West Axis Road and East Axis Road, the construction of visitor platforms, and the parking area are completed.

"Public visits to IKN will be temporarily closed until September 2024 or until the completion of the paving of the West Axis Road, East Axis Road, the construction of visitor platforms, and the parking area," the ministry remarked.

However, official visits may still take place under limited conditions. The requirements include obtaining written permission from the Head of the IKN Infrastructure Development Task Force, and/or the Head of the Kalimantan BPPW Office, and/or the Deputy for IKN Control and Development, and visits are restricted to Thursdays or Fridays.

Additionally, the number of visitors is limited to a maximum of 15 people, with a maximum of three vehicles, and strict adherence to safety, health, security, cleanliness, and neatness is required.

"Regarding the Balikpapan-KIPP Toll Road, which is currently under construction, to ensure traffic safety and security, the toll road will be closed until construction work is completed," the ministry concluded.

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