Minister Reveals Strategy to Reach Semiconductor Investments

Menteri Investasi dan Kepala BKPM Rosan Roeslani
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  • Antara

Jakarta, VIVA – Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has instructed Minister of Investment/Head of BKPM, Rosan P. Roeslani, to actively pursue investments in the semiconductor sector, particularly from potential investors in the United States (US) and Thailand.

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According to the head of state, this sector as highly promising, as semiconductor products serve as key raw materials for electronic goods.

Minister Roeslani has been tasked with prioritizing these investments and has expressed optimism about attracting investors, including those interested in investing in the new capital city (IKN).

Akui Investasi di RI Butuh Waktu Lama, Rosan Janji Bakal Efisiensikan Proses Perizinan

Menteri Investasi/Kepala BKPM Rosan Perkasa Roeslani dan Menteri ESDM Bahlil Lahadalia

Photo :
  • Yudha Prasetya

"Semiconductor investments must be prioritized. Several potential investors have already reached out," Minister Roeslani said at the State Palace Complex, Jakarta, on Tuesday (Aug 20).

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"The President has asked me to follow up, including with parties from Thailand and the United States," he remarked.

The minister added that discussions with Foxconn have been ongoing and remain a target as directed by President Jokowi. He is confident that Indonesia will successfully attract investors, including those investing in the IKN.

Presiden ke-7 RI Jokowi

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Terkait keputusan Partai Gerindra, yang mengusulkan kembali Prabowo sebagai capres di Pilpres 2029, menurut Jokowi langkah bagus. Jokowi menegaskan, mendukung penuh.

14 Februari 2025