Anthony Ginting Decides to Out from Japan Open 2024 for This Reason

Tunggal putra Indonesia, Anthony Sinisuka Ginting
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  • AP Photo/Ng Han Guan

Jakarta, VIVA – Indonesia's men's singles badminton player, Anthony Sinisuka Ginting, decided to withdraw from the 2024 Japan Open tournament because of ankle injury during his match on Tuesday (Aug 20). 

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"I tried to continue playing in the first game, but I was afraid it would get worse. In the second game, after a few points, my ankle felt increasingly uncomfortable. Then I decided to withdraw," he Ginting in a written statement from the Indonesian Badminton Association (PBSI) received in Jakarta on Tuesday.

Ginting decided to withdraw when trailing 17-21, 4-5 against Japan's Yushi Tanaka in the first round at Yokohama Arena, Yokohama, Japan.

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Tunggal putra Indonesia, Anthony Ginting

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Then, he stated that he had prepared for the match by watching videos of his opponent the day before to get a sense of their playing style. During the match, he tried to play normally from the start of the first game.

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However, after the interval in the first game, Ginting landed incorrectly after a jump, causing discomfort in his left ankle, which had a history of injury.

"Now, I will focus on recovery," Ginting added.

Meanwhile, in another match, Indonesia's men's doubles pair Fajar Alfian/Muhammad Rian Ardianto claimed victory over China's Xie Hao Nan/Zheng Wei Han in a dramatic rubber game 2-1 (22-20, 13-21, and 21-14) in the round of 32.

In this tournament, Indonesian men's singles player Jonatan Christie also decided to withdraw to accompany his wife, who is expected to give birth soon.

Ganda putra Indonesia Fajar Alfian/Muhammad Rian Ardianto

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