Pertamina Supports SGAR Project with Chemical Supplies

Pertamina Patra Niaga salurkan produk chemical untuk PSN
Sumber :
  • Istimewa

Jakarta, VIVA – Pertamina Patra Niaga plays an active role in supporting the implementation of the National Strategic Project Smelter Grade Alumina Refinery (SGAR) at Borneo Alumina Indonesia.

Pertamina Patra Niaga Aktifkan Layanan Serambi MyPertamina di 6 Titik Rest Area pada Momen Nataru, Intip Lokasinya

This project is part of Indonesia's efforts to process bauxite into alumina domestically, reducing dependence on raw material exports, and increasing the added value of the country's mineral resources.

Maya Kusmaya, the Director of Central Marketing & Commerce at Pertamina Patra Niaga, conveyed Pertamina's commitment to this strategic project.

Bruno Moreira Klaim Persebaya Tahu Kekuatan Borneo FC

“We strongly support the government’s efforts to increase the added value of bauxite products into alumina products by supplying supporting products such as chemicals, fuel, and lubricants,” she said in a statement on August 5.

Pertamina Patra Niaga salurkan produk chemical untuk PSN

Photo :
  • Istimewa
Tingkatkan Energi Terbarukan di Desa, Pertamina Bangun PLTS Dukung Kelompok Tani di Indramayu

Kusmaya added, "Through the Pertamina One Solution (POS) Program, we will facilitate consumers in meeting their needs for fuel, lubricants, and petrochemicals in an integrated manner with guaranteed supply of high-quality and reliable products for consumers,"

As information, Borneo Alumina Indonesia is a joint venture between Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (INALUM) and Aneka Tambang (ANTAM).

Located in West Kalimantan, this company was established to develop and operate the bauxite refining (alumina smelter grade) project into alumina with a production capacity of 1 million tons of alumina per year.

The alumina refinery aims to process bauxite into smelter-grade alumina (SGA).

This project is expected to support the government’s initiative to enhance downstream industries and increase Indonesia's competitiveness in the global market.

“Our chemical product, Caustic Soda, will be distributed in the amount of 138,000 MT during 2024, and we predict this volume will continue to increase along with the rising production needs for alumina,” she remarked.

Furthermore, Kusmaya revealed that Pertamina Patra Niaga is committed to developing new commodities for the Petrochemical and Chemical Business product portfolio at Pertamina Patra Niaga.

In a separate statement, Leonard Manurung, the President Director of Borneo Alumina Indonesia, explained that Caustic Soda is one of the main raw materials for producing smelter-grade alumina.

“Pertamina Patra Niaga is a strategic partner involved in supplying Caustic Soda, and with this collaboration, it is expected to ensure the availability and smooth supply and production at the Borneo Alumina Indonesia Plant,” Manurung said.

The success of this program cannot be separated from the collaboration and synergy of the Pertamina Group, including SH Commercial & Trading Pertamina Patra Niaga and SH Integrated Marine Logistics Pertamina International Shipping, to ensure the smooth and safe delivery of products.

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