OIKN Seeks for Tourism Village to Become Living Museum Like in Bali

IKN Nusantara.
Sumber :
  • VIVA.co.id/Arianti Widya

Penajam Paser Utara, VIVA - The Nusantara Capital City Authority (OIKN) is planning to transform local wisdom in East Kalimantan into a tourist village and living museum, like in Bali.

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"We're preparing to transform the tourism village, which we call the living museum. How local wisdom can still be clearly visible there," said Alimudin as Deputy for Social and Cultural Empowerment of the Nusantara Capital Authority (OIKN), during the ASN Festival 2024 in Jakarta on Saturday.

He stated that OIKN is working to transform villages in the Nusantara Capital, particularly in North Penajam Paser, into living museums that can attract tourists.

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Proyek Pembangunan di Kawasan IKN Nusantara

Photo :
  • VIVA/Ahmad Farhan Faris

This aims to ensure that the local wisdom in the Nusantara Capital remains visible and alive in the tourism villages to be developed.

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"We also prepare to transform the tourism village into what we call a living museum, where local wisdom can still be clearly seen," he stated.

For example, local wisdom that will be preserved is the Paser Tribe, the indigenous people inhabiting East Kalimantan, especially in Paser Regency.

Alimudin highlighted that OIKN is committed to helping the Paser Tribe remain visible and preserve their culture, despite the development of the  Nusantara Capital area.

To make the tourism village a tourist destination, OIKN will adopt the living museum concept similar to that in Karangasem, Bali.

This concept aims to allow visitors to experience the daily life patterns of the local community directly. In this process, OIKN focuses on preserving local wisdom.

Recently, OIKN already held a cultural dialogue to ensure that even though the IKN, cultural preservation isn't only focus on local culture but also on the broader Nusantara culture.

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