Minister Ensures IKN Development on Track for Indonesian Independence Day

Istana Garuda IKN Nusantara, Kalimantan Timur
Sumber :
  • VIVA/Ahmad Farhan Faris

Penajam Paser Utara, VIVA – Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) and also Acting Head of the National Capital City Authority (OIKN) Basuki Hadimuljono ensured the readiness of IKN infrastructure ahead of the implementation of the 79th Indonesian Independence Day ceremony on August 17.

Menhub Targetkan Bandara IKN Sudah Komersil Sebelum 2028

First for connectivity, Minister Basuki said access to the IKN Government Center Core Area (KIPP) from Balikpapan can be via the Balikpapan-Samarinda KM 11 Karangjoang Toll exit gate.

Then via the Kariangau TPK Access National Road and the functional IKN Toll Road (Section 3A - 3B - 5A - Balang Panjang Island Bridge).

Newly Launched Danantara Investment Expected to IKN Development

Menteri PUPR, Basuki Hadimuljono

Photo :
  • Kementerian PUPR

"The total mileage of the route is 88 km with a travel time of about 90 minutes. There is also another alternative via the Balikpapan-Samarinda Toll Road, KM 38 Samboja exit - Samboja Sepaku National Road with a travel time of 150 minutes," PUPR Minister said in a statement.

Investasi Swasta Rp 1,2 Triliun Masuk ke IKN dari 5 Pemilik Modal

The road network in KIPP is in the form of asphalt roads and 7 km of compacted work roads.

Some roads (West Axis, East Axis, Feeder Grande, 4,510 m long) around the Ceremony site are ready to be used to serve ART.

Meanwhile, access to the State Palace and Garuda Palace can be through the West Axis road (1,980 meters), the "grande" feeder road at the Palace Gate (430 meters), the East Axis road (2,100 meters), the Sepaku Ring Road 2 feeder road (550 meters), toll access 6C and the West Axis and East Axis roundabouts (576 meters).

The road to the State Palace and Garuda Palace that will be functional is 1,260 meters long and all roads are paved.

"The State Palace, ceremony field, and podium are ready to be used for the August 17 ceremony," Minister Hadimuljono remarked.

He added: "The infrastructure of the State Palace has been prepared and the Garuda Palace is also 95 percent complete, currently both are in the furniture installation stage and are targeted to be completed on August 10."

The Ceremony Plaza will function in the Ceremony Courtyard area (Visitor Center, Amphitheater, Forest Trail, public toilets, and Retail / UMKM Gallery) which can accommodate invited guests and supporting committees.

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