Hamas Chief Ismail Haniyeh Killed After Met Iranian Leader Ali Khamenei

Pemimpin Hamas Ismail Haniyeh saat bertemu Presiden Iran
Sumber :
  • Al Syarq

Teheran, VIVA – Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh was killed in a suspected Israeli airstrike at his residence in Tehran. Haniyeh died after attending the inauguration ceremony of Iran's new president and after meeting with Iran's Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei.

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"Earlier on Tuesday, Haniyeh attended the inauguration of Iran's new president and met with the Supreme Leader," said the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) of Iran in a statement.

Haniyeh's assassination has raised concerns about escalating tensions into a major regional war.

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Haniyeh's death has also been confirmed by the Palestinian group, Hamas. In its statement, Hamas revealed the mastermind behind Haniyeh's death.

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Photo :
  • ndtv.com
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"Israel is behind Haniyeh's assassination. Israel's dangerous attack killed the head of the Palestinian group's politburo in Tehran," Hamas said in a statement.

Ismail Haniyeh, who had been living in exile for the past two years, was given a new four-year term by the Shura Council, the group's highest decision-making body.

Haniyeh was also a former aide to Hamas founder Ahmed Yassin, who was killed in an Israeli airstrike in 2004.

He served as the Palestinian prime minister after Hamas won the parliamentary elections in 2006, a year before the militant Islamic group seized control of Gaza from rival forces led by President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah.

Sejumlah ambulans di lokasi serangan Majdal Shams, Lebanon.

Tiga Petugas Medis Tewas dalam Serangan Udara Israel di Lebanon

Tiga petugas medis tewas dan dua lainnya terluka akibat serangan udara Israel yang menargetkan truk pemadam kebakaran pertahanan sipil di Lebanon selatan.

8 September 2024