Jokowi Calls for Knowledge and Children Character Developments

Presiden Jokowi Usai Hadiri Peringatan Hari Anak Nasional, Jayapura.
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  • Tangkapan layar Youtube Sekretariat Presiden

Papua – Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) emphasized the importance of knowledge, insight, and character for children to face the future.

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"I believe that children must be prepared with intelligence, knowledge, insight, and character," the President stated after attending the 2024 National Children's Day Celebration at Istora Papua Bangkit, Jayapura, Papua, on Tuesday.

The Head of State also mentioned that this year's National Children's Day celebration is the first to be held in Papua.

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The President was pleased with the high enthusiasm of the children present, so he wanted to give them more opportunities to have fun.

Presiden Jokowi saat menghadiri peringatan HAN di Papua

Photo :
  • Hasibuan (Papua)
Eks Pejabat Kemenhub Ditugasi Menteri Setor Duit untuk Pemenangan Pilpres 2019

During the event, elementary and middle school students performed a colossal dance, breaking the MURI (Indonesian Museum of Records) record for the largest Yospan Colossal Dance performance, involving 2,600 Papuan students.

President Jokowi welcomed this achievement and remarked that Indonesia's Creative Industry starts with children.

"Yes, these children are indeed very creative. So, Indonesia's creative industry begins with children, as we saw earlier with the colossal dance performance where the children were very passionate. Our DNA is indeed there," the head of state affirmed.

President Jokowi also advised Indonesian children to always be diligent in their studies.

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15 Januari 2025