Jakarta Provincial Government Announces Winners of DJK Awards 2024

Penjurian DKJ Awards 2024
Sumber :
  • DKJ Awards 2024

Jakarta, July 16 2024 – The Jakarta Provincial Government has announced the winners of the 2024 Derap Kerja Sama Jakarta Awards, an accolade given to companies and organizations demonstrating commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs.

Fasilitasi Mobil Listrik Pemudik, PLN Pastikan Ada SPKLU di Setiap Rest Area

The event, themed "Harmony of Jakarta Global City," started on June 14, 2024, and is part of the celebrations for Jakarta's 497th anniversary. The awards were presented by Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono, during the main event on June 22, 2024.

Here is the complete list of winners:

Jaga Pasokan Listrik Tercukupi Periode Lebaran 2025, PLN Harus Pastikan 3 Hal Ini

Community Empowerment Category

PT Bank Mandiri Persero for the Urban Festival - Rumah BUMN program
PHE OSES for the Tough Sailor program
CT Arsa Foundation for the CT Arsa Inspiration House program
Yayasan Wahana Visi Indonesia for the Building Literacy program
PT Jakarta Propertindo (Perseroda) for the Empowerment of Former Kampung Bayam Residents program
Health Category
PT United Tractors Tbk for the TUNTAS (Transforming Undernutrition to Thriving and Sustainable) program
PT PLN Indonesia Power UBP Priok for the Ketapang Kuning program
PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol for the Stunting Intervention program
Perumda Air Minum Jaya for the Stunting Reduction Acceleration program
PT PLN (Persero) Jakarta Raya Distribution Unit for the Empowered Village Jakarta Barat Prosperous (Berjamur) program

PLN IP Pasok Listrik 83.082 GWh di 2024, Tertinggi Dalam 5 Tahun

Environmental Category

PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol for the Green Mussel Restoration program
PT Transportasi Jakarta for the Clean, Empowered, Bestari program
PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Integrated Terminal Jakarta for the Abang Cinte None (Let's Build Love for Non-Emission Ecology) program
PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk for the Urban Livin-Bank Sampah Mekar Sari program
Paiton Energy for the Solar School - PLTS SMKN 54 Jakarta program

"We express our gratitude to the business entities that have contributed to the Jakarta Provincial Government through CSR programs," said Marulina Dewi, Head of the Regional Cooperation Bureau of the Jakarta Provincial Government Secretariat.​

PLTA PLN Indonesia Power. (foto ilustrasi)

Penjualan Sertifikat Pengurangan Emisi PLN IP Naik Signifikan, Sentuh 39.265 Ton C02e

PLN Indonesia Power (PLN IP) terus berkontribusi dalam upaya menekan emisi karbon yang terlihat dari hasil penjualan sertifikat pengurangan emisi.

18 Maret 2025