100 Hectares of Lake Toba's Protected Forests Consumed by Fire

Kebakaran Hutan Lindung di Danau Toba, Kabupaten Samosir.(dok Dinas LHK Sumut)
Sumber :
  • VIVA.co.id/B.S. Putra (Medan)

Sumatra – A massive fire has resulted in the burning of 100 hectares of protected forest in Desa Sipitu Dai, Kecamatan Sianjur Mulamula, Samosir Regency, Lake Toba Area, North Sumatra.

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The Head of the North Sumatra Environmental and Forestry Service (LHK), Yuliani, explained that based on statements and information from members of the Berkumis Gate Forest Farmer Group (KTH), the fire occurred on Sunday (July 14) around 1 p.m.

"The burned area is less than 100 hectares and is likely to increase. As of this report, the fire has not yet been extinguished," Yuliani said on Monday (July 15).

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Yuliani revealed that the coordinates of the wildfire location are N: 02°34'13" E: 098°39'23".

Danau Toba

Photo :
  • Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Sumuy
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The firefighting process involves personnel from KPH Wil XIII Doloksanggul, the Samosir Police Resort, the Indonesian National Army in Samosir Regency, the Samosir Fire Department, and the Samosir BNPB.

Additionally, the Government of Sianjur Mula-Mula District, the Government of Boho Village, and the local community are also involved.

Yuliani stated that the fire location is steep and hilly, making it inaccessible to reach the largest fire spots. This has made it difficult for the joint team to extinguish the fire optimally.

"We were working together with the fire department and fire cutters. Currently, the team is on guard and entering areas with potential for spreading," Yuliani remarked.

The forest fire in the protected forest area or hills of Lake Toba, in Samosir Regency, has gone viral on social media.

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