12 Killed After Gold Mining Landslide in Gorontalo
Gorontalo – A search and rescue (Basarnas) official revealed that the death toll from a landslide at an unlicensed gold mine in Gorontalo has risen to 12, with 48 still missing.
"The injured victims have been evacuated to several hospitals in Bone Bolango and Gorontalo," said a report from the Basarnas Search and Rescue Operations Coordination Center on Tuesday.
So far, Basarnas has not determined the cause of the landslide at the gold mine and its surroundings. However, it is suspected that the high-intensity rain from Saturday, May 6-8, exacerbated the impact of the landslide.
Kepala Kantor SAR Gorontalo Heriyanto memberikan pengarahan kepada 206 petugas tim SAR gabungan untuk mencari para penambang emas yang hilang usai longsor Suwawa Timur, Bone Bolango, Gorontalo, Senin, 8 Juli 2024.
In a separate statement, Head of the Gorontalo SAR Office, Heriyanto, mentioned that rain temporarily halted the search and evacuation operations carried out by hundreds of personnel from the joint SAR team, but operations resumed this morning (the third day).
Despite the setbacks, Heriyanto assured that the joint team is committed to making maximum efforts, utilizing available SAR equipment and resources to search for and evacuate the victims, at least for the next seven days.