LRT Velodrome-Manggarai Route Development to Complete by Q3 2026

Kereta ringan atau Light Rail Transit (LRT) rute Velodrome-Kelapa Gading memasuki Stasiun Velodrome Jakarta
Sumber :
  • ANTARA FOTO/Rivan Awal Lingga

Jakarta – The development of Jakarta LRT Phase 1B Velodrome-Manggarai is on track to fulfill its first target, according to the Director General of Railways at the Ministry of Transportation, Risal Wasal.

"We're optimistic that this project can be completed soon and operational by early 2027. We hope the public can start using it by the third quarter of 2026," Wasal said in a statement on Wednesday (June 26).

Wasal hopes that the extension of the Jakarta LRT route for Phase 1B Velodrome-Manggarai will provide an alternative mode of transportation that integrates with the Manggarai Central Station.

Dirjen Perkeretaapian Kementerian Perhubungan, Risal Wasal.

Photo :
  • M Yudha P /

"It will strengthen the role of Manggarai Central Station as a hub for railway transportation in Jakarta and its surrounding areas," Wasal remarked.

As of the second week of June 2024, the construction of Jakarta LRT Phase 1B Velodrome-Manggarai has reached 18 percent completion.

This phase involves the construction of a 6.4 km route with five stations, such as Rawamangun Station, Pramuka BPKP Station, Pasar Pramuka Station, Matraman Station, and ending at Manggarai Station.

"The presence of Jakarta LRT Phase 1B will complete the transportation integration at Manggarai Station," Wasal said.

Parkir Sepeda di Stasiun LRT, Bagaimana Keamanannya?

He added, "Later, when long-distance trains stop at this station, passengers can directly continue their journey to Kelapa Gading using Jakarta LRT via the walkway from Manggarai Station to the Jakarta LRT station,"

The Jakarta LRT will operate with a 10-minute headway. With this extension, the potential passenger demand is expected to gradually increase to 80,000 per day for the Velodrome-Manggarai route.

Pria di Kelapa Gading Tembak Kepala Kucing hingga Mati dengan Jarak 2 Meter

To maximize the occupancy of Jakarta LRT, Phase 2A will also be developed in the future, covering the Kelapa Gading-JIS route, Phase 1C Manggarai-Dukuh Atas, Phase 1D Dukuh Atas-Pesing, as well as routes 3A and 3B which will complete the Kemayoran – JIS – Kelapa Gading – Velodrome – Klender – Halim routes.

"We continue to encourage that economic centers and people activities are well-served by public transportation, especially railway. So, people can conduct their activities more easily, safely, quickly, and comfortably," he concluded.

Penampakan Senapan Angin yang Dipakai Pria di Kelapa Gading Tembak Mati Kucing
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