Prabowo Subianto to Establish National Nutrition Agency for Free Meals

Prabowo Subianto dan Gibran Rakabuming Raka tiba di Gedung KPU RI, Rabu, 24 April 2024
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  • Lestari

Jakarta – Indonesian President and vice president-elect Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka have a flagship program of free meals. To realize this program, they will build a National Nutrition Agency.

Member of the Prabowo-Gibran TKN Expert Council, Panangian Simanungkalit, said the National Nutrition Agency is currently being prepared.

"This is in the process. It is also a new body," said Simanungkalit in South Jakarta on Friday (June 21).

He said he could not confirm whether the National Nutrition Agency would be filled by other agencies.

According to Simanungkalit, Prabowo Subianto prefers new things, "I think Mr. Subianto prefers something fresher. That there will be a combination, obviously, as an agency, but he wants it to be fresher."

He explained that the National Nutrition Agency will coordinate with Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) and other village institutions. It is also ensured that there will be no intervention from big business.

Ilustrasi makan siang gratis

Photo :
  • Suistanweb

"They are organizing BUMNDes through it, later it will become a village institution. There is no conglomerate there, it is not allowed. Of course, if there are cooperatives included," he said.

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He continued, this free meal program will be more directed to breakfast, not lunch. However, this will again be adjusted to the school.

"For those who implement breakfast, schools. Schools are usually in the morning but some are in the afternoon. The point is to get free meals, later the school will adjust whether it is morning or afternoon," he concluded.

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