SoE Employees Start Working Four Days a Week

Gedung Kementerian BUMN.
Sumber :

Jakarta – The Indonesian Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SoE) has revealed that its employees are starting a trial of a four-day workweek or Compressed Work Schedule (CWS).

A CWS is a work schedule where employees work the required full hours in fewer working days.

With this, Ministry of SoE employees can complete their weekly tasks in fewer working days, allowing them more days off.

Through an official Instagram post on @Kementerianbumn last May, the implementation of CWS has the applicable terms and conditions.


Photo :
  • Instagram @lifeatkbumn

Employees of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises must fulfill 40 working hours per week. Additionally, work requirements and discipline must be met, and a plan and output for the four-day workweek must be prepared.

The plan and output for the four-day workweek must refer to the monthly Employee Performance Targets (SKP) for each individual and the monthly performance targets of the work unit.

Even with a four-day workweek, all performance targets for individuals and work units must still be achieved.

After the trial period, the SoE Ministry will conduct a pilot project for two months so that the CWS policy can be further evaluated.

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The results of this evaluation will be considered to determine whether the CWS program will continue.

Although working only four days a week, the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises office will remain open on Friday per the usual operational schedule.

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This is because unit leaders must ensure that the number of employees taking CWS does not disrupt the operational activities of the work unit and the services of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises.

Furthermore, the requirements for applying for CWS are quite strict, so not all employees can apply.

The implementation of CWS aims to improve work-life balance. Moreover, employees of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises can enjoy more days off.

As information, the implementation of CWS has also been carried out in Japan, Iceland, Spain, and New Zealand.

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