Indonesia Becomes the Second Largest Exporter of Ornamental Fish

Ikan hias guppy.
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Jakarta – The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries revealed that Indonesia is currently the second largest exporter of ornamental fish in the world after Japan.

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"Currently, Indonesia's ornamental fish, as an exporting country is ranked second in the world after Japan. So, this is an achievement," said the Director General of Strengthening Competitiveness of Maritime and Fisheries Products, Budi Sulistiyo in a statement on  Thursday (June 6).

Sulistiyo stated that the export value of ornamental fish in 2023 will reach US$39.06 million, with a market share of 11.1 percent. Meanwhile, Japan has a market share of 13.9 percent in 2023.

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Furthermore, the global ornamental fish market recorded an economic value of US$350.5 million in 2022 with an average growth of 2.63 percent.

Gedung Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan

Photo :
  • vivanews/Andry Daud
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Globally, the ornamental fish market is characterized by the dominance of freshwater ornamental fish enthusiasts by 77.4 percent and seawater ornamental fish by 23 percent.

Sulistyo revealed that the largest ornamental fish importing countries in 2022 consist of the United States with a value of US$91.7 million, the EU at US$89 million, followed by ASEAN at US$34.1 million, China at US$23.4 million and the United Kingdom at US$ 23.3 million.

With these market opportunities, he hopes that Indonesia can upgrade to become the world's number one ornamental fish exporter.

In addition, encouraging ornamental fish to become the main commodity that can be exported through the establishment of standards such as SNI.

[Ketua Umum Kadin Indonesia, Anindya Bakrie, di Menara Kadin Indonesia, kawasan Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa, 25 Maret 2025]

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