Anindya Bakrie Reveals Preparation of IISI Startup Campus at IKN

IKN Nusantara.
Sumber :
  • Widya

Kalimantan – President Director and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Bakrie & Brothers, Anindya Novyan Bakrie, revealed the preparation for the construction of the Nusantara Sustainability Hub and the International Institute of Sustainability Indonesia (IISI), which will be built on a 2.5-hectare plot of land.

This is a realization of a collaboration between Pertamina, through its subsidiary Patra Jasa, and the Bakrie group.

In addition to partnering with Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability, Bakrie is also collaborating with Station F, a business incubator for startups located in Paris, France.

IKN Nusantara.

Photo :
  • Widya

"In addition to our collaboration with Stanford and Pertamina, we are also working with Station F from France," Bakrie remarked on Tuesday (June 4).

Through this collaboration, a complete ecosystem will be created, encompassing academics and entrepreneurship.

CEO PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk Anindya Bakrie.

CEO PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk Anindya Bakrie.

Photo :
  • Fikri Halim/VIVA.

"We want to learn how to create an ecosystem and a building that can connect academia, entrepreneurs, investors, and knowledge partners into one," Bakrie explained.

Anindya Bakrie hopes the inauguration of the Nusantara Sustainability Hub and IISI by President Jokowi tomorrow will proceed smoothly.

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Earlier, Bakrie also visited Station F in Paris and had discussions with senior representatives of Station F, Marwan Elfitesse, Head of Startup Programs, and his team.

In a video post on his personal Instagram, @anindyabakrie, he explained that Station F is a former train station in Paris, which has now been transformed into the world's largest startup campus.

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"Station F houses 1,000 startups and over 30 incubation programs, of which 70 percent come from French entrepreneurs and the remaining 30 percent are international," Bakrie said in an Instagram post on @anindyabakrie, Tuesday (April 16).

In the video post, Bakrie explained the history of the formation of Station F as a startup ecosystem in Paris and globally.

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Bakrie stated that supported by many venture capitals, large companies, universities, and others, Station F shares the same goal as the Indonesian government.

"We both want to create a startup ecosystem that can bring about positive change," Bakrie concluded.

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