Jakarta Celebrates Its 497th Birthday with a Month-Long Extravaganza
- ANTARA FOTO/Aprillio Akbar
Jakarta, June 3, 2024 – Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono, is inviting all citizens to join in the festivities for the 497th Anniversary (HUT) of Jakarta, which will be held for a full month. This year's celebration feels special as it marks Jakarta's last moment as the Capital City of the Republic of Indonesia.
With the theme "Jakarta, a Global City with Millions of Charms", the 497th HUT celebration is expected to raise optimism and a new spirit for this metropolitan city. This theme reflects the community's contribution in building Jakarta into a progressive, dynamic, and globally attractive city.
"Let's celebrate the 497th Anniversary of Jakarta together with joy and make this moment a momentum to strengthen our unity and unity as citizens of Jakarta," he said, as quoted by VIVA English.
Various interesting events have been prepared to enliven this year's Jakarta Anniversary, including cultural arts performances, culinary festivals, and sports activities. Acting Governor Heru also hopes that Jakarta can become a host for various international events in the future, thus increasing the city's attractiveness to tourists and investors.
Pj Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono
- Istimewa
More than just a celebration, the 497th Anniversary of Jakarta is also a moment to reflect on Jakarta's long journey and look towards a brighter future. Acting Governor Heru invites all elements of society to work together to build Jakarta into a more advanced, sustainable, and environmentally friendly city.
"Let's make the 497th Anniversary of Jakarta a turning point to realize a better and more prosperous Jakarta for all its citizens," he said.
The Jakarta 497th Anniversary Launch event was enlivened by various performances, such as Kahitna, Mandra, Melanie Putria, and Jonathan Christie. Cultural arts attractions such as ondel-ondel and Betawi dance also enlivened the event.